August 2000

August 2000

Links to old entries:

August 1
August 3-5
August 9 & 13
August 21 and 27

Drop me a line

August 31st
Hello again. Goodbye August. It is SO hot here in St. Louis. It get's really humid here too and the air just seems to stand still. I haven't worked all week because the school I work at doesn't have air conditioning. They have half days when it's over like 87 or something. Well, this week it's been way hotter than that.
Of course yesterday, I was outside in the middle of the afternoon cutting grass anyway. I wore a bikini top and shorts but like that helped! I took breaks though and put a wet rag on my neck. Oh, and drank water. I just wanted to surprise my mom and have it all done. My face was bright red from the heat. I thought it was a sunburn. That's never happened to me before.
School is slowly starting. I've had one test. The telecourse hasn't started yet. But today I found out I only have 20 credits that will count as college credits. That makes 34 at the end of this semester. Damn, that sucks. I've been here forever.
Chad and I have been pretty boring together lately. Not much to do. We still fight. I bought him some silk boxers the other day to be nice. I went shopping and bought some cute stuff. I have no clothes for the fall and it's stressing me. Plus, I need a winter coat.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is...