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November 27, 2004-the last hurrah!!!

Steadfast was a Spirit Filled Hardcore Band from Kansas City, Mo. We played our "last" shows in September 2001. For some goofy reason, we played one last show on November 27, 2004. Will we play again? Only time will tell.

I've taken down quite a bit from the website in an attempt to make more rooom. I'm not sure it really matters, I'd be surprised if more than 10 people a year visited this site. And for you 10 people, seriously get a hobby. I left up the pics and the sounds, although a lot of the and .mp3 files were deleted by angelfire downsizing our page. And if you care to know about who steadfast was, you can puruse the "about the band", "members", and "news" sections, which were also left up.

If i ever get around to finding a free site to host it, I will make available the live recordings from our "reunion show" and the rest of our recorded material.

The guest book is still up, so if you actually look at this site, post on there and tell me so (and satisfy my curiosity and tell me, why?).

If you have any questions, or for some crazy reason want to pay for STEADFAST to come play a one time show in california, email me at

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