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As you drive slowly up the long road to Diana's Grove, you'll notice things you don't see everyday - butterflies, small creeks, flowers and herbs. When you reach the barn, someone will greet you with a hug, and say "Welcome Home!" It's how we've all been greeted for many years at the Lifesong and Balefires of Beltane festivals… but a new millennium is here, and with it appeared a new festival. Put aside the noise and mayhem, say goodbye to traffic, honking cars and meaningless deadlines. Take the hand of a friend - one you've known for years, or one you've never met before - and enter a space between.

I was listening to NPR the other day and was inspired by a report done of the folksinger Pat Humphries. The reporter (Marika Partidge) tells that she first heard the song on a camping trip! And that her works have been heralded by Pete Seeger. (Click here to listen to Swimming to the Other Side. Lyrics can be found here.) Well that had me hooked and I listened to the whole article. It can be found online at:

As well as a links to download mp3's of the song done by Pat and other folksingers!

At the end of the program, I'd found that I'd fallen in love with this woman's music and that I had a new theme that made sense. The song speaks of loneliness, fear, searching, longing and how we all are looking to come through in the end. It echos the sentiment of one of my favorite authors, Spider Robinson: "Shared pain is diminished; shared joy is increased. Thus do we refute entropy."

Swimming to the other side speaks as a theme speaks of the troubles and trials that are the "stream" of our lives and how we endeavor to triumph against the tide that challenges us and in this we are all together.

Pomegranate is sacred space, created with love and intention. It's a planned community of friends, family and lovers, so come join us! We'll wake to the bright summer sun, teach and learn from each other, lounge in the creek at midday, share food and magick as the sun sets and the moon rises. Swim to the other side with us at Pomegranate.

What and Who

This is year three for Pomegranate, a festival created to fill the void left by the end of LifeSong and Balefires of Beltane, in 1999. Pomegranate is a mini-intentional community. Many people offer time, ideas, and support. The Pomegranate committee consists of Tess, Sean-Thomas, Rick and Tina. There will also be some additional adjunct committee-folk helping onsite this year.


Imagine spiraling down into the lush, green womb of the Mother. Welcome to Diana's Grove, a private camp that nestles against 20 miles of Mark Twain National Forest.

What can you expect? Wading or swimming in a crystal stream; camping in flat, shaded sites; walking a huge labyrinth cut into the side of the meadow. You'll also find a year-round, dedicated magical grove; the most elegant outhouses and barn you've EVER encountered; equally lovely warm showers tucked in the woods; and a Faerie Rock. Wallow in the mist-filled mornings and fall into velvet night sky, broken only by slivers of light from the moon and stars. Diana's Grove is about 45 minutes outside Salem, Missouri, in the Ozarks. It's about three hours from St. Louis or Columbia, and five from Kansas City. You may get a taste of the Grove by visiting their website at

Pomegranate is for Everyone

All races, traditions, alternative family structures, and sexual orientations are welcome and encouraged to attend and to express themselves freely. If you don't think you'll be comfortable coming face to face with any of the above, please don't come.

About the Site

Physically, be prepared for camping in a tent, walking on mostly flat ground, fending off bugs with something environmentally sound, wearing your shoes, and reveling in heat, cold, rain, or sunshine. If you want to cook, bring a camp-stove and accouterments. Bring what you need to keep your stuff dry and your person comfortable. We ask that you NOT bring any generators or other appliances that produce noise. (A boom-box that can be heard ONLY within the confines of your tent is fine, but please be considerate of others). Wind, trees, laughter, silence and so many natural sounds abound in Diana's Grove. Please be gentle and give them space. All ritual sites are flat and accessible, but if you require mobility assistance we ask that you arrange for an attendant or friend to help you.

Diana's Grove embodies natural beauty and tranquility. That's part of the whole experience. To preserve that feeling, please DO NOT leave vehicles in the camping area. We see enough cars in our lives. This is a time to forget them. Thanks!


This is Missouri. Be prepared for anything. Expect everything. We're serious. You'll be a much happier camper if you come prepared. Bring layers, bring rain stuff, bring sunscreen, bring lightweight and heavy clothing, and anything else that will help you adapt to a wildly fluctuating climate. In the morning, it tends to be cooler and misty. Diana's Grove is in a valley. The staff will be monitoring the weather and will keep the camp informed of what to expect. (After significant combined gathering experiences, Pomegranate Committee recommends Rubbermaid™ tubs, trash bags, tarps, long underwear, wool … and duct tape. With those tools, you can get through almost any weather!) If we have heavy rain, we ask your patience and cooperation. It's very important that we tread gently on the land and not tear up the road or the campsite.

Recycling & Sustainable Living

We do require that you bring biodegradable, earth-friendly products with you (no CFC's please). We are each responsible for our impact on the environment. Please bring low-/no-waste products and plan to take personal responsibility for any trash or recyclable items. In simple terms, you bring it in, you take it out. The only trace of our presence should be some flattened grass.

Forbidden Fruit

We love to bliss out on drumming, dancing, chanting, and a lot of other wonderful things (like strawberries!), however, please leave alcohol and drugs at home. This is the policy of Diana's Grove for all events. It is also a long-standing tenet for LifeSong and Balefires of Beltane, and which Pomegranate fully embraces. We want to create a safe space for the WHOLE family, including anyone who may have issues with substances. Please find something else wonderful to do that meets your needs, but please don't attend if you choose not to respect the guidelines of Diana's Grove and Pomegranate. We also ask that no fireworks or firearms be brought on site. We love the animal creatures with whom we share our homes, but Diana's Grove already comes fully stocked with dogs, and isn't set up to handle any other animals dog, cat or otherwise, so please leave your furry friends at home (unless they walk upright and have opposable thumbs).


This year Pomegranate will open noon on Friday until noon on Monday. Friday offers the chance to arrive, get settled, and relax, with a small ritual planned by the committee that evening. There will be workshops during the day on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday evening brings Sing For Your Supper, a combination talent show and potluck, followed by the main ritual. Please feel free to e-mail us with questions or suggestions at

We welcome any and all offers to plan rituals or create workshops. If you are interested, please request a ritual/workshop form by e-mailing Tina at: or, or writing to us at Pomegranate, P.O. Box 1521, West Plains, MO 65775. You are welcome to submit plans for any type of workshop or ritual you wish, but keeping our theme of "Swimming to the Other Side" in mind will be a definite plus. Detailed information on workshops and rituals will be available in the program when you arrive at Diana's Grove.


Children are, of course, welcome and embraced, however their care and maintenance is the responsibility of their parents or legal guardians. We do not have a program for children's workshops or rituals at this time, but we would love to have volunteers who are willing to create and lead events geared toward our younger generation. Please e-mail or write to our post office box if you would like to volunteer in this area. It is the dream of the Pomegranate committee to someday present a solid, yearly children's festival concurrent with Pomegranate. Please help us take the first steps toward achieving this goal.


Registration is limited to 100 people so reserve your place soon. If you need to cancel, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can free up your space for another participant. NOTE: there are NO REFUNDS, EXCHANGES OR CREDITS. Click here to go to the registration page which you can print out and mail to: Pomegranate, PO Box 1521, West Plains, MO 65775.

Registration packets will be mailed as registrations are received. If you don't receive anything from us by August 23rd, please call 417-257-3347.

How to Reach Us Fast

For questions not answered in this flyer, please feel free to e-mail us at We will be checking messages daily.

But Wait, There's More!
As an added bonus, everyone will get a neat sticker in either red or white to put on the back of the car, on a notebook, or your favorite llama. It will look like this: