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Brainy Stuff
my thoughts
your thoughts
change the world!

Fun Stuff
Cagley family news
lists of things

Head Full of Brains Boutique
Head Full of Brains Bookstore

Other People's Stuff
Great Gift 'o Gab
fun goth stuff
beautiful henna site
henna how-to
rodents singing & dancing

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
- Dr. Seuss


Guestbook by GuestWorld


e-mail Kati

Head Full of Brains ™ & © 2000. All Rights Reserved


Emergency contraception resources & referrals.

About Face - changing the way the media protrays women.

NARAL - grass roots pro-choice organization.

Dads and Daughters - promoting good father-daughter relationships and good self-images in girls.

Girls Count - promoting equal education opportunity to girls, especially in math, science and technology.

The Heifer Project International - this really cool org teaches poor families (typically the women) how to farm better with livestock.

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