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Cyber Heaven

home of

Bad Angel of Missouri


Maybe you've seen the old Cyber Heaven, well if you have great!! If not that's ok, you can get to it from my links page if you want to see it. But this is the new and hopefully improved Heaven. I started building the new heaven on November 15, 1999 so yep it is still under construction, be patient, remember we angels are busy.

Now grab yourself a drink, kick off your shoes, sit back, relax, grab that mouse..... Don't fondle it--- I saw that!!! Don't fondle the mouse!!! I don't care how much you love your computer!! that's just plain wierd!! Click on a cloud and let's drift through cyber heaven.

Don't forget to sign my guestbook before you drift back to that other place called reality.

Who is Bad?

Bad and her Angels

Bad's Favorite Links
Bad's Collection of Jokes
Bad's Party Pics Album

Some of Bad's Other Sites

One of Bad's Favorite pieces

Have a Little Soup

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I actually updated some of the pages on this site on July 23, 2002!!