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I decate this page to my many friends who I have
and will make in the future.
May we always have friends who will always know
how to cheer us up when we need cheering up, when
we need a shoulder to cry on, or just have fun
with. This is why we have friends.

My Best Friend

By: Bruce B. Wilmer

You're a friend who passes every warm and
heartfelt test for being there and being true and
being very best.

You're the one who hears my thoughts and
understands my thinking. You're the one who senses
first when attitudes are sinking.

You know all the strengths and all the weaknesses
of me. You know when I need support and when to

You and I confide and share the secrets of the
soul. You know when a friend should help or gently
yield control.

You are where the heart finds comfort, where the
mind is free. You are more than just a friend;
You're more than company.

You are where the spirit rests, where tensions
disappear. You are where I find myself-
when life is hard, you're near.

By: Unknown

My Friend, my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy, through happy and sad,
beside me you stand, beside me you walk,
you're there to listen, you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,I know you'ss be there,
throughout the years!

Words By: Mother Teresa

The fullness of our heart is expressed in our eyes,
in our touch, in what we write, in what we say,
in the way we walk, the way we recieve,
the way we need.
That is the fullness of our heart expressing it
in many different ways.

Filling a void

By: Darla6dog
Sept. 5, 2000
Copied righted: 2000

To many a computer is just that, but to me behind
the screen there is a face a heart and a soul
meeting here or in person we each fill a void in
the anothers life, be it lonely, be it laughter,
be it romance, be it learning, be it a ear to
listen, we each fill in someones empty place.

Not one person can be all to another no matter how
hard one tries, with years comes that wisdom and
peace and a open mind and the creator shows us
this if we listen, many say they are looking for
a soulmate, but if they look past what they think
they are looking for they will see they have many
be it female or male.

Soulmate to me doesnt mean sexual, it means
filling a void, and is why the Creator of all made
so many friends, no matter what said, if we sleep
well on it, it isnt wrong, it is a void being
filled. Through each life many pass yet many stay
be it in flesh or words, when these people or
words touch us to me it is a dawning of the heart
and fills a void, we all have a void waiting to
be filled, be it something we lost in childhood,
or as adults, or ones we never thought we had
untill we open up.

Someone can be right next to you and touch you in
flesh but never touch the heart and soul as people
who are far and actually care can do just in word.
It is a wonderful feeling when we can meet the
ones who have touched us so, the eyes tell the
story of a soul, Yet to feel good or make another
feel good we need not a face ,we prove that daily.

I have had this feeling since childhood, and now
can let it be heard after many moon. No one can
touch the flesh and mean as much as one who
touches the heart and soul of another and fills
their void with what once was lost.

you all mean more to me then I can put in words.

I Give To You

By: Unknown

A fire to light inside your heart,
to feel the warm embers glow.
A piece of sun's warm rays, to
bask in it's firey show.

A piece of rainbow to color your world,
when all seems totally gray.
Some roses for the sweet perfume, to
kiss your senses with its bouquet.

A sprinkling of some twinkling stars, to
wish upon at night.
The morning dew to kiss the day.
To bask in it's delight.

A summer's breeze to caress your face, to
show that someone cares.
The sweet song of the nightingale, to
remind you that they're always there.

My lasting friendship, always true.
A gift of love to hold inside, whenever
you feel blue, or just because you
need a friend.
This friend...that will always be there for you!!

By: Author Unknown

God must know there would be times We'd need
a word of cheer, Someone to praise a triumph
or brush away a tear.

He must have known we'd need to share the
joy of "little things", the happiness that life brings.

I think he knew our troubled hearts would
sometimes throb with pain, at trails and
misfortunes or some goals we can't attain.

He knew we'd need the comfort of an
understanding heart, to give us strength
and courage to make a fresh, new start.

He knew we'd need companionship
Unselfish...lasting...true, and so
God answered the heat's great need
with a cherished friend like you.

My Hand

By: Author Unknown

Take my hand my friend
I wish to help you along
Just knowing there are two of us
Can help to make you strong
I know life seems unfair and
sometimes gets you down
But know that I am here for you
I'll always be around
So set a day aside and together
we will walk down all your troubled pathways
For it helps sometimes to talk
If you should need some time to do this
on your own
Then I will be here waiting
Since you wish to be alone
I guess I want to say That
I hold your friendship dear and
if you ever need me just
reach out, cause I am here.

Thank you for visiting my Friends are forever
web sight. Please pass it along to your friends.
Please do come back by often!

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