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Dorling Kindersley Science Encyclopedia Work/Review Sheets


Read each question and circle the letter of the best answer.
NOTE: Some questions may have more than one "correct" answer - think carefully about what you have read, and choose the most complete one.

1.What is the most common element of Group 1 of the Periodic Table?
A) Salt. B) Sodium (Na). C) Metal. D) A, B & C.

2.Why are the members of Group 1 called the Alkali Metals?
A) Al Kali discovered them. B)They react with water to form alkali solutions. C)They taste bitter. D) A, B & C.

3.What commonly used farming and gardening product contains Potassium (K)?
A) herbicide. B) fungicide. C) fertilizer. D) A, B & C.

4.Lithium (Li) is used in airplanes. What medical problem it also used for?
A) Warts. B) Manic Depression. C) Car Sickness. D) A, B & C.

5.How many electrons do the Alkali Metals have in their outer shells?
A) 1. B) 2. C) 3. D) A, B & C.

6.What color are all the Alkali Metals?
A) Shiny black. B) Dull grey. C) Silvery white. D) A, B & C.

7.All alkali metals react vigorously with water. Which two actually explode as they touch water?
A) Rubidium (Rb) & Cesium (Ce). B) Sodium (Na) & Potassium (K). C) Lithium (Li) & Francium (Fr) D) A, B & C.

8.All clocks work by counting some kind of rhythm. What does an Atomic clock "count" ?
A) Natural vibrations of Cesium atoms B) 9,192,631,77 vibrations per second C) Atoms traveling through a magnetic field. D) A, B & C.

9.Who is thought to have made the first soap?
A) Ancient Egyptians. B) Someone's mother. C) Johnson and Johnson. D) A, B & C.

10.Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are boiled with what to make soap?
A) Recycled egg cartons B) crude oil. C) Fat. D) A, B & C.

11.What gives street lamps their vivid orange-yellow glow?
A) sodium vapor. B) yellow covers. C) they aren't all the way on. D) A, B & C.

12.What two elements can be extracted from sodium chloride?
A) Potassium (K) & Chlorine (Cl). B) Sodium (Na) & Chlorine (Cl) . C) Potassium (K) & Sodium (K). D) A, B & C.

What more can you say about MATTER now?________________________________________________________________________________

Matter14 ©1999-2000 Sassafrass Grove Homeschool
NOTE: These work/review/related-activity sheets are for use with the DK Science Encyclopedia as a 12 part science study. The first portion of the initial section, "Matter" is presented here. More will be added as time permits. If you find errors or see need for additions, please contact us at the e-mail address provided at the bottom of this page.

This site and these worksheets are in no way associated with nor endorsed by Dorling Kindersley.
©1999 S.A.McUmber-House, Sassafrass Grove - all rights reserved

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