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Dorling Kindersley Science Encyclopedia Work/Review Sheets


Read each question and circle the letter of the best answer.
NOTE: Some questions may have more than one "correct" answer - think carefully about what you have read, and choose the most complete one.

1.Why is gold considered an "element"?
A) it is made up of only one kind of atom. B) it is not a compound. C) it is pure. D) A, B & C.

2.Ancients believed in only 4 elements: earth, water, air & fire. How many elements are now known?
A) 89. B) 109. C) 20. D) A, B & C.

3.How many elements occur naturally on Earth?
A) 89. B) 109. C) 20. D) A, B & C.

4.20 artificial elements have been created. Some only exist for a few millionths of a second. They are all:
A) new B) radioactive C) non-existant in nature D) A, B & C.

5.The simplest element is believed to be the first to have formed after "the big bang". What is it?
A) helium. B) hydrogen. C) oxygen. D) A, B & C.

6.One of the first elements used by people was iron, and its use changed history. Can you think why it was so important?
A) people could process it fairly easily to make tools & weapons stronger. B) it was readily available in iron ore. C) . The knowledge spread quickly D) A, B & C.

7.Most things in the universe are made of combinations of elements, called what?
A) combines. B) compounds. C) combination platters. D) A, B & C.

8.Way back in the 1600s, a German scientist was probably the first to do what?
A) to get bubonic plague. B) to break a tooth on iron. C) to extract an element - phosphorus. D) A, B & C.

9.When physicists bombard an existing element with high-speed particles in a linear accelerator, what happens?
A) they add to the number of protons in the nucleus of the element. B) they create a new element. C) they are creating radioactivity. D) A, B & C.

10.What are the most commonly found elements in the universe?
A) hydrogen and helium. B) the main elements in stars. C) 98% of star matter. D) A, B & C.

11. What are the most commonly found elements on the Earth?
A) oxygen and silicon. B) good and evil. C) McDonald's and Coke. D) A, B & C.

12.What gives each element its own unique chemistry?
A) its name. B) all of its atoms have the same number of electrons and protons. C) its charge. D) A, B & C.

What more can you say about MATTER now?________________________________________________________________________________

Matter11 ©1999-2000 Sassafrass Grove Homeschool
NOTE: These work/review/related-activity sheets are for use with the DK Science Encyclopedia as a 12 part science study. The first portion of the initial section, "Matter" is presented here. More will be added as time permits. If you find errors or see need for additions, please contact us at the e-mail address provided at the bottom of this page.

This site and these worksheets are in no way associated with nor endorsed by Dorling Kindersley.
©1999 S.A.McUmber-House, Sassafrass Grove - all rights reserved

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