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Dorling Kindersley Science Encyclopedia Work/Review Sheets


Read each question and circle the letter of the best answer.
NOTE: Some questions may have more than one "correct" answer - think carefully about what you have read, and choose the most complete one.

1.When an atom loses one or more electrons from its outer shell, it becomes what?
A) positively charged. B) an ion. C) a cation. D) A, B & C.

2.When an atom gains one or more electrons in its outer shell, it becomes what?
A) negatively charged. B) an ion. C) an anion. D) A, B & C.

3.When a cation and an anion come together, do their opposite electric charges attract them to each other?
A) Yes, very strongly. B) No, not at all. C) Yes, but weakly. D) A, B & C.

4.When sodium, and chlorine atoms form an ionic compound, what is the result?
A) sodium chloride. B) an ionic bond. C) table salt. D) A, B & C.

5.Most ionic bonds are very difficult to break. What is usually true of them?
A) they are solids with very high melting points. B) they are liquids. C) they are gases. D) A, B & C.

6.What is an atom's "valency"?
A) the number of bonds it can form. B) the number of electrons in its outer shell. C) its charge. D) A, & B.

7.Atoms bond to be stable. When are atoms most stable?
A) When they have 8 electrons, or a stable octet in their outer shell. B) when they are cold. C) at night. D) A, B & C.

8.Some atoms do not gain or lose electrons easily. What is it called when they share electrons?
A) ionic bond B) covalent bond. C) metallic bond. D) A, B & C.

9.What is the attraction between these atoms?
A) Very strong B) Weak. C) None at all. D) A, B & C.

10.Most covalent bonds are quite easy to break. What is usually true of them?
A) they are solids B) they are liquids or gases. C) They have low melting and boiling points. D) B & C.

11.The smallest part of a compound with covalent bonds is called what?
A) an ion B) a valent. C) a molecule. D) A, B & C.

12.In metals, the outer shell electrons flow freely around all the atoms, forming what type of bond?
A) Ionic bond. B) Covalent bond. C) Metallic bond. D) A, B & C.

13.Most metallic bonds are very strong. What is usually true of them?
A) they are solids with good plasticity. B) they are liquids. C) they are gases. D) A, B & C.

What more can you say about MATTER now?________________________________________________________________________________

Matter08 ©1999-2000 Sassafrass Grove Homeschool
NOTE: These work/review/related-activity sheets are for use with the DK Science Encyclopedia as a 12 part science study. The first portion of the initial section, "Matter" is presented here. More will be added as time permits. If you find errors or see need for additions, please contact us at the e-mail address provided at the bottom of this page.

This site and these worksheets are in no way associated with nor endorsed by Dorling Kindersley.
©1999 S.A.McUmber-House, Sassafrass Grove - all rights reserved

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