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Dorling Kindersley Science Encyclopedia Work/Review Sheets


Read each question and circle the letter of the best answer.
NOTE: Some questions may have more than one "correct" answer - think carefully about what you have read, and choose the most complete one.

1.."Once a solid, always a solid." Is that true?
A) Yes. B) No; even the hardest rock will melt at the very high temperatures & pressures found beneath the earth's crust. C) I don't know. D) A, B & C.

2.What do we call the temperature where a solid will turn into a liquid?
A) The melting point. B) The boiling point. C) The freezing point. D) A, B & C.

3.What do we call the temperature where a liquid will change to a gas?
A) The melting point. B) The boiling point. C) The freezing point. D) A, B & C.

4.What do we call the temperature where a liquid will turn back into a solid?
A) The melting point. B) The boiling point. C) The freezing point. D) A, B & C.

5.What are the little droplets of water that form on the outside of a glass of cold drink?
A) Condensation. B) Water vapor from the air. C) Particles that slow down from a gas back to a liquid. D) A, B & C.

6.Why is frozen carbon dioxide called "dry" ice?
A) Because it has an odd sense of humor. B) Because it does not turn into a liquid before turning into a gas. C) Because it is packed in absorbent paper. D) A, B & C.

7.What would be likely to happen to a cheap plastic spoon if it were left in a pan of boiling water?
A) It would change color. B) It would change shape. C) Nothing noticeable. D) A, B & C.

8.What do we call the never-ending cycle between the different states of water that is so essential to life?
A) The life cycle. B) The rinse cycle. C) The water cycle. D) A, B & C.

9.How are special plants such as certain orchids able to thrive high off the ground in tropical forests?
A) They don't need water. B) Because of the high humidity, they can get all the moisture they need straight from the air. C) Greenhouses. D) A, B & C.

What more can you say about MATTER now?________________________________________________________________________________

Matter04 ©1999-2000 Sassafrass Grove Homeschool
NOTE: These work/review/related-activity sheets are for use with the DK Science Encyclopedia as a 12 part science study. The first portion of the initial section, "Matter" is presented here. More will be added as time permits. If you find errors or see need for additions, please contact us at the e-mail address provided at the bottom of this page.

This site and these worksheets are in no way associated with nor endorsed by Dorling Kindersley.
©1999 S.A.McUmber-House, Sassafrass Grove - all rights reserved

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