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Our Golden Cats

Our Golden Cats

These are the cats that Dawn's family and my family took
when the R&D of Golden Cat Corporation closed their doors.
We had worked with these special kitties for over seven years
and they became a major part of our lives.
We were happier because they came into ours.

Angel was such a wonderful cat. Read Angelspoem see how he changed our lives.
Bandit was the oldest kitty we had, but she was a sweetheart.
Cathy was a loner, but she loved to be petted. She finally came out of her shell.
Cheetoes, I will always miss him.Read Cheetoes Story, you will understand.
Stallone had the best meow of almost any cat I have known.It krackled as he spoke.
Willi, she stole my heart, then left me shattered and broken. I miss her still.

A Forever Friends

Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being a part of it

Someone who makes you laugh,
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world

Someone who convinces you that
there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is a Forever Friendship

When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empy world
suddenly seem bright and full.

Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confusing times.
If you turn and walk away,
your forever friend follows.

If you lose your way,
your forever friend guides you
and cheers you on.
Your forever friend licks your hand
and his eyes tells you that everything
is going to be okay.

And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a FOREVER FRIEND for life,
and forever has no end.


Angel's Poem

Willi's Legacy

Adopting One Saves Another

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