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1 Radar, Warnings & LPATS    2 WW Wx Stickers   3 Forecast Maps  
   4 Wx/Paper Links   5 Gas Prices   6  WG/Ch4 Maps    11 BU  
Wx Calc    8     9 BU   Up Nort'    10 BU   
  12  Drought Map    13 Swift Active Wx Warnings  14 MT    Maybe stuff  
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It doesn't matter WEATHER, you like it or not!

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Weather Info From All Over Da Place!   

Current Temps:

LFLittle Falls 
  McGrath Radar


Weather.com says Crooklyn Park is currently: 



AccuWX for BP
BP: Sunburg  

And up "Nort" in Cook, 
Weather.com says it's: 



WXPort Crooklyn Park Cook AccuWeather:
AccuWX for BP
WXPort cook
KDLH Duluth forecast:



Weather.com says Crooklyn Park is currently:   WXPort


And up "Nort" in Cook, Weather.com says it's:   WXPort


 Hibbing Conditions from AccuWeather & Wunderground:
  AccuWX for BP
Cook Conditions from AccuWeather & Wunderground:
AccuWX for BP 
Tair RH Tdp =
Tair Tdp RH =
Tair Tdp
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Temp° is in Celsius!
The Weather Network

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