(Salvador) met a UMM student from Ecuador and a fellow family member of my local church in Morris went to Ecuador on a mission trip. This has been my only connections so far as of today (Sunday, September 24th of 2006). I decided to write on this unique nation after watching "End of the Spear" (more down below). We sometimes forget that not every country in South America has citizens that speak Spanish. This continent, like North America, had indigenous tribes before the "white man" brought their latin languages (Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, e.g.).
End of the Spear Special
End of the Spear - Trailer
" Trailer for the movie 'End of the Spear'"
From: Harper, Marc
To: Morris Community Church (Pat, pastor)
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:07 PM
Subject: End of the Spear (movie )opens in Benson theater next Friday
"END OF THE SPEAR is from the powerful true story about the missionaries speared in Ecuador in 1956 and about the Waodani tribe they were there to help. I'm sure you agree it's rare for Hollywood to portray the Great Commission. Please show your support by making plans to take your staff, a larger group from your church, and/or encouraging your group to invite people to the movie that may not be open to attending church.
Not every church will use the movie in the same way. Pastor Gary in Missouri for example purchased a theater's entire seating. His church family was encouraged to reach out to unchurched friends and bring them to the movie ... free! At the end of the screening, Pastor Gary shared the gospel, and offered an invitation. Seven people made commitments to Christ! You can read more testimonies by clicking on link #5 below.
1. "Let God Write Your Story" - A sermon by Steve Saint (PDF Format, 113K)
2. Sample Bible Study Discussion Questions (PDF Format, 64K)
3. End of the Spear Movie Trailer Download (ZIP Format, 30Mb for High Speed Internet Users)
4. End of the Spear Powerpoint Template Download (1.4MB, Movie Artwork and Program Ideas)
5. Testimonies of people who "Dared to Make Contact" (PDF Format, 218K)
6. Endorsement List (PDF Format, 84K)
7. Teaching with Story - End of Spear overview (PDF Format, 2Mb)
8. FOR RADIO AND MEDIA - Audio Interview soundbytes with Steve Saint
"Life magazine photojournalist Cornell Capa made his way to the outpost where the wives of the murdered men had gathered. He was with them when they learned they were widows, and joined the dangerous trek to recover the bodies.
Mr. Capa, a nonobservant Jew, was so moved by the families that he continued to document them, and worked with the equally gifted Elisabeth Elliot on "Through Gates of Splendor." (Reviews: amazon.com, christiananswers.net) A bestseller in 1957, it was in print for 25 years, with anniversary editions in 1996.
The saga had a role in changing evangelical missions, partly due to Mrs. Elliot's writings, said Michael Hamilton, chairman of the history department at Seattle Pacific University. She denounced the tendency to demonize primitive cultures, and wrote of the virtue she found among the Waodani.
Related Resources:
End of the Spear - Casting
"An Interview with Mark Fincannon, the Casting Director on "End of the Spear" discussing the daunting task of casting indigneous Indians for this powerful film about the 5 missionary men killed by the Auca Indians in Ecuador in 1956..... Only to then have a couple of the loved ones of the missionaries move into their villages and teach them about forgiveness and help them to end the cycle of revenge killings that had been a part of their culture for so lon"
"Back then, Steve Saint's father, Nate Saint, was 32 and one of five Christian missionaries who died that Sunday, trying to bring their faith to the Waodani, then considered one of the most violent communities on the planet.
The men were also trying to bring the Waodani skills that they would need to survive their own government and the coming of the oil companies, Saint said.
"From 'Stone Age' to Today
While death by spear is no longer a threat for the estimated 25 percent to 40 percent of the tribe who believe in Christ, some Waodani villages still carry out murderous vendettas. "If people die and haven't heard, it's all over for them," says Mincaye, presumed to be in his 70s. Speaking of the most recent (2003) killing spree among the Waodani, Mincaye leans his leathery brown face toward mine and slices a thick finger across my throat. Then he holds up his hands, fingers splayed, and gestures to his feet, now covered in stiff leather shoes. He claps his hands together and my stomach does an uncomfortable flip.
"He is saying that they killed as many as his fingers and his toes," Steve explains.
According to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary's World Christian Database, some 80 percent of the Waodani (also known through the years as the Waorani or the Huarani) have heard the message, with 40 percent professing Christian faith. (MAF, however, estimates that only a quarter of the group is Christian.) From only 600 Waodani documented in 1958, the tribe has grown to about 2,000, according to anthropologists James S. Boster and James Yost and linguist Catherine Peeke of Wycliffe Bible Translators' sister organization, SIL International (formerly the Summer Institute of Linguistics). Other estimates put the number at 1,000.
" This is a music video from the soundtrack of our movie End of the Spear that Nicole C. Mullen wrote and performed.
For more information about us or our films please visit our online community at http://tribeonline.everytribe.com.
"The tribes in the northern highlands of Ecuador formed the Kingdom of Quito around 1000. It was absorbed, by conquest and marriage, into the Inca Empire. Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro conquered the land in 1532, and through the 17th century a Spanish colony thrived by exploitation of the Indians. The first revolt against Spain occurred in 1809. In 1819, Ecuador joined Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama in a confederacy known as Greater Colombia."
"Evidence of human cultures in Ecuador exist from c. 3500 B.C.[1] Many civilizations rose throughout Ecuador, such as the Valdivia Culture and Machalilla Culture on the coast, the Quitus (near present day Quito) and the Caņari (in present day Cuenca). Each civilization developed its own distinctive architecture, pottery, and religious beliefs. After years of resistance the Caņari fell to the Incan expansion, and were assimilated loosely into the Incan empire."
"The smallest country in the rugged Andean highlands, Ecuador has an array of vibrant indigenous cultures, well-preserved colonial architecture, otherworldly volcanic landscapes, dense rainforest and sublime islands - all in a nation no bigger than the US state of Nevada."
"This is a compilation of my visit to the Galapagos Islands, July 2005. Unfortunately the images are not as sharp as my origional version, but you get a good impression anyway! Enjoy!"
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