Asian: Papua New Guinean
I met two folks (Americans) born and raised in this small island nation in the Greater Minnesota Area the past several months. I decided to look into this island nation that I don't hear much about today-Tuesday, April 19th of 2004
This past weekend (Friday, Jan 26th-Saturday, Jan. 27th), I met someone (Mike) born and raised here for the second time (first time was during an "Outfitters" Men's Retreat) after hosting him during a "Oufitters" weekend meeting in Morris. After chatting with him for almost 2 hours Friday evening, I got to know him more about his cool "tropical" background. Mike grew-up in Madang (Madang Province-from Wikipedia; tourism site).

Tom and Mike posing in my kitchen for a short breakfast before heading out of my house for an "Outfitters" church planting focus meeting in Morris.
Reccomended Resources
Empbassy to Americas
Government Online
New Tribe Missions
Sinow People of Papua New Guinea Hear Gospel Message for First Time
The Sinow people of Papa New Guinea are taking to Christ after hearing the good news of the gospel for the first time ever this year.
by Maria Mackay
Posted: Thursday, December 21, 2006, 22:31 (GMT)-Christianity Today
"New Tribes Mission has brought the message of the gospel to the Sinow people of Papua New Guinea for the first time ever and the good news has brought tear-jerking testimonies of faith, reports one New Tribes missionary.
Workers with New Tribes Mission, a mission group which works primarily with tribes and people groups previously unexposed to the gospel, started teaching around 150 Sinow the chronological Bible lessons back in June."
Waiting for a Father in Papua New Guinea
I wept and told Heavenly Father that if it was really Him calling me, then He would change my father’s heart.
By Janet Ioka (YWAM)
"I first got interested in missions in my first year at University back home in Papua New Guinea. I ended up working for a banking company. Towards the second year of working, God began to work in my heart, and for every meeting I attended or different Christian I met, God spoke into my life about missions. It came to the point where I had to tell my dad that I wanted to be a missionary. "
Lonely Planet, for travel info
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