pics of me and my homiez

these are some pics of me and my friends, since I had so many, they were crowding the main picture page! what can i say, i love me, and i love my friends!!

my senior picture... jan did an awesome job with all of my pictures!! (she took 37 of em, after all!!)

my tattoo... kinda blurry, but the best one i have!!

my second tattoo... this one i designed all by myself... in case you're wondering, it's my name in korean

a picture of me and my cousin cassidy at her baptism... she slept through the whole thing, and lunch!

a picture of me at katie lee's place in uwec... jen took it on her picture phone, then sent it to me... look! i have cleavage!!

a better copy of the picture that jenny took with her phone... i think this is the best picture someone has taken of me in a long time!

individual pics

kelly in one of her senior pics... she's so pretty!!

paul took this pic of andrew with my camera... :)

paul playing around with my camera some more

brandon fahey, a.k.a. lp brandon/iceman, in his senior picture

that there's my justin boy... he's from falcon heights, mn, but goes to school in uw-stout... that pic was of him in his dorm... like the budweiser christmas lights?

my matty from uwec... sweet guy, don'tcha think?

my matt from st thomas... cute guy... sweet as hell

my ashley baby... isn't she cute as hell???

my aunt sent me the following three pictures of cassidy, and i can't believe how adoreable she looks!

she should be in an ad for baby formula!

aren't you jealous??

chadwick's picture on the website for his hall in umd... nice one, eh?? lol

a very tired kyle at perkins after jingle ball 2002

in case you can't tell, adrienne took this one herelf!! lol

froggy at my house during the 4th of july...

my rae-rae... she's so damn cute!!

another pic of raerae..!


a picture collage of my can see why we love and spoil them so much!

this is the cute little kitten from my dad's work... he works in a mansion in st. paul, so he gets to play with howard, and the doggies

my very own kitty... if you look, you can see the scarf i tied around her neck!

forest's citty holding a shot while sitting next to a 6-pack!!

my kitty sitting next to our fridge... cute baby

my max puppy laying in the dirt

b-bob's pics

emily posing next to the chalkboard at work that she, tammy, and i spent about a half hour drawing on, since we didn't have any tables!!

this is my gal amanda from work. i love her to death, and she's hilarious to be around

emily posing next to our line of bubble wrap... we had just finished running across it... so fun!

partying burnsville style

me and kyle at burnsville's 2002 prom... loved the dress... but one of the straps broke... bummer

from my "welcome back from college" party back in may '03... this is of tr, bets, jenni lundy, and bethanie

at the time, i thought it would look cute to kiss tr on the cheek, but i should've just smiled! haha... i luv that kid

bets and brett at my house during our bhs homecoming bash at my house

jackie, bets, brett, jon, and cantu around my kitchen table during bhs homecoming party

skrubby, jenna, elena, and her boyfriend chillin round tha table during bhs homecoming

me and bets at my house during bhs homecoming

good ole' ec

me and chels (a.k.a. cock-asian) in gundrums' room in eau claire; aren't we precious?!

my blugold babes, jenny and bethanie (a.k.a tucky) at a basketball game... i luv those gals!

tucky in one of those expando-balls at wal-mart in eau claire. they're hard to explain, but i can only say that they're fun as hell!

that is what happened to jenny at a toga party in eau claire... see the "once you go asian, you never go back"?? yeah, i wrote that!!

jenny and dan after jenny did his makeup during my 19th birthday "party" in uwec last year

the infamous door pillow on jen's old room

my dunk, a.k.a. betsy, showing how to chug some vod!

blake and aaron chillin with me and jen in jen's room

jen doing a back tuck basket during try-out practice

hannah peed her pants! haha... okay, not really, her beer just ejaculated on her... but it's funnier to say she peed

hannah, ralph, me, and katie, chilling in hannah's room before i had to pick up bets

jen doing jake's make up... how many guys can we get to let us put make up on them?!

jen's pop bottle leaked onto her butt, but it looke dlike something else... haha

heather and jake chillin in jen's old room

me and gary in jen's old room playing "circle of death"

ralph singing kareoke on jen's computer

jen, heather, and me outside of murray hall

nick and katie at tgi friday's... this was when we tried to get katie to climb on top of the carasol horse!!

tke homecoming formal 2003

jen and hannah at great china buffet, on their way to ndsu... they raped us for the dinner charge... $14/plate!!

mitch, trying to decide what button to leave un-buttoned: the top, bottom, middle, or in this cae, top and bottom!

me, jen, and hannah outside the tke house

sarah, hannah, danielle, jenny, me, and andie... we bonded over playboys, guitar, "friends", and booze.

hannah, me, and jen in nick's room... like the tp in my hand?

me taking a jell-o shot creation in nick's room

me and jake in nick's room before the tke formal... (he's so cute)

brownie, me, aaron, jenny in our "asians rock the house" picture (with some random white dude behind us)

group picture of the tke boys at the formal

party at pizaul's

carolyn sandwiched between pizaul and her boyfriend at pizaul's house... (pizaul is really just paul)

me and rach makin out... no further explanation

carolyn trying to wake up her passed out boyfriend at pizaul's house

pizaul dancing by himself

miscelleneous randomness

my katie and her boyfriend, brad, eating at tgi friday's with us... nice pic, huh?

me and kt at perkins... we're holding homies... the little toys you used to get in vending machines... she is obsessed with the damn things!!

mike and kyle chatting it up whilst us girls acted all weird (or, to us, normal) before we went out

okay, we were at wal-mart, and i threw these at justin to see if he'd freak out like normal guys, but... well... he posed for us instead!!

kelly built "crayon stone henge" at baker's square... sweet huh? makes you feel like you're almost there!!

some guys did this as a prank, but i thought it was hilarious to open my door and *poof* there's a shopping cart in my front yard... just chillin...

matt and dan playing video games in their apartment. it looks like only dan is playing, but these guys play video games in a team effort way; it's so cute (that night was "mario sunshine")

kelly and i figuring out #'s 1, 2, and 3. if you really want to know, ask me about it!

that's kelly modelling an old navy eye cover thingy and a scarf... glamorous, huh?

jenny and tucky at shilla restaurant, a korean restaurant in st. paul... i still like hoban and mirror of korea better, but it's all good!!

me, sara, diane, and jenny at bob's before a night out at the club

me and michael bennett! for those of you un-educated people (a.k.a non-vikings fans), michael bennett is a running back for the vikes, #23

me, nolan, jenny, nate, and nate's girlfriend before heading to dave's frat during spring jam 2003

emily and patty before we headed up to the 90's with froggy... one guy came up to emily later and told her she was "so fucking fabulous!!"

you can't really see the lights, but I had two little flashing pins under my shirt so it looked like i had flashing nipples, which jenny decided to pinch!

jenny and her friend nick at uncommon grounds one night...

amanda, me, sarah, and cody at a kegger in bloomington...

jenny and mike doing a single-base lib...!

me and paul at his graduation party

me and jordan made this tower of stuff at uncommon grounds.. we were pretty proud of it!!

we decided that, when cooking, nick should wear both aprons, instead of me and jen wearing them... that other thing is one of thoe head massagers...

i jokingly told tim to put something about me in his aim profile, so he did!! this made me smile so much!!

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