my pictures, part 2

since i had to add a second picture page, i am now going to arrange pictures by the folder/group they are in on my computer... enjoy

brandon's place

kelly figured out that the seats on the booths at perkins lift up, so... she did

kelly took a lot of pictures of brandon, like this one

and this one

and this one

and this one! i'm not saying he's bad to look at, but it's just a lot of pictures of him haha

perkins man, a.k.a. ryan, and kelly at perkins, letting me try out the sepia effect on my camrea

spic-tastic charlene at journeys

me and brandon (who i want to point out, is checking himself out!!) on the floor at his place

tony, making afashion statement with my hair claw on his crotch

since we kept stealing josiah's nametags, he had to make do with a marshall-field's name tag, for "jean"

our talking to kelly raping kelly by the perkins booths

proof that kelly can have cleavage!

like this one, too

kelly with brandon's kitty, jacky-boy

so this would be a really nice picture, if brandon wasn't humping me when we took it!!

kelly got stuck between brandon's bed and his wall... twice... so i laughed, took a picture, then helped her out

kyle nenovich at the perk

kelly, on the floor laughing, cuz i tried to follow her into the bathroom with my camera

kelly, on the perk's floor once more... silly white girl!

shay, my ta with the t and a! (tall asian with the tits and ass... we figured out that one when we were drunk one night haha)

stoney at the perk... when i took this picture of him.. he hit on himself!!

tony, pantless, with brandon in his lap

this time, he cooperated and posed for the picture..!

uwec and lots of perkins

i named this folder that name because of all the EC pics and over half of the pics were at the perk!!

a crew of best buy peeps after one of those long ass morning meetings... i ended up going again later that night!

aww... me and my jimma... I will miss htis guy a lot *sniffle* it's a great pic of us though :)

hannah, jenny, and me chilling at clay's place in ec

for whatever reason, we thought i could make clay's doofy hat look semi-ok on me! (maybe cuz i'm asian!)

me and gary at accoustic cafe in eau claire... what a sweetheart!

me, raerae, and kelly piled onto joe's couch

me and raerae at joe's

drunk kelly trying to tell me "it's his hat!!"

dustin, showing off one of joe's hunting magazines... why? i have no clue!

kelly's pole squat, which resulted in...

...kelly's pole dance!!

josiah, drunk kelly, and vinge at perkins

it tooke kelly, kat, me, and melanie about 5 minutes just to get situated for this picture of us at perkins aftera long night of clubbing!

my thoughtful coffee face

chris briggs from bby at my place, waiting for the party to get started thanksgiving weekend... funny thing is, he was totally sober when i took this pic!

eric and dutsin chillin in my stairway during the thanksgiving party

grant, after stuffing a pot full of spaghetti in his mouth... mmm!

kelly had a bunch of magnetic poetry magnets with her, so grant put 3 on his tongue

me and ryan, a.k.a. perkins man *cue mighty trumpet noise here* at (surprise) perkins

me and shay in my car

ah the results of a hyper kelly and a hyper erin at perkins... a napkin full of doodles and stupid quotes of ours

perkins matt taking a smoke break with us one night

ryan's evil "agh!" laugh

jaime, jame, melanie, and justin in my kitchen during my thanksgiving party

bby mini-party

my andrew yay

jenny, chaz, andrew, kevin, and a couple other guys playing a game of bs

dan scheel, with some captain in one hand and one of my cookies in the other!!

tony, pimpin it in the hot tub with kat, shay, and one of kat's friends

brandon, drunk, and half naked!!

a pic of me(ew) and andrew

aww! lookit me and cadie!

this is me and shay, trying to take a sexy asians picture

new year's 2004

cadie, me, kelly, and shay at perkins before heading out for the night (of course we had to stop at the perk!!)

nikki, kat, shay, me, and cadie at dantoft's

me and dan scheel a.k.a. the cup pimp

me and tony

me and my puppy (okay the next 2 pics have nothing to do with new year's, but they were all in the same folder!)

moomoo keeping the laundry warm... or is it the other way around?

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