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The Good Guys

Honey Boy
Prickly Pine
Regal Eagle
The Bunnies

The Bad Guys


The Good Guys


Species: Squirrel

Zip is the back-bone of the Bluffers. Although Zok is supposed to be the all knowing one it is Zip who usually comes up with a plan and acts as the leader though-out their courses of action (sometimes not by choice).
Rumour has it, full name is Zipper

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Species: Fox

Despite the stereotype of foxes, Sharpy is far from sneaking and deceiving although he likes to pretend he is. He seems to have a temper but that is mostly due to the fact that he is ashamed that he is not “a true fox”. He acts as the unofficial leader by keeping people on task and getting Zip to do things which he might not do otherwise.

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Honey Boy

Species: Bear

Honey Boy, not the brightest animal in the bunch, is a bear who is never seen without his honey jar and bees floating around his head.

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Species: Mouse

Blossom is a love struck mouse. She is the heart of the team with her sweet voice and gentle gestures. Blossom has a crush on a certain squirrel in the group but has so far (to current knowledge) only given a kiss to Clandestino's watchdog Glumm.

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Species: Owl

Zok is the brains of the group (typical of cartoon owls)...actually...he's not all that smart without his "Book of all Knowledge" (a telephone book). This book is what guides the bluffers in their quest for the secret of getting it all. He holds the book in highest respect he ripped out a page from the book so the bluffers could use it to make a map.

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Prickly Pine

Species: Porcupine

With his spikes on his back Prickly Pine looks like he is into heavy metal and (unlike Sharpy) this stereotype seems to fit him to a tee. Prickly is very aggressive and would rather pick a fight then just sit around and do nothing.

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Regal Eagle

Species: Eagle

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Species: Snake

All the Bluffers seem to find a good way for Psycho to help it is using him as a tape measure or metal detector.

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Species: Goose

Not a whole lot is known about this Goose but rumour has it she has many home remedies.

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The Bunnies!

Species: RabbitsWhere on Earth are We?
…and they’re cool.

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The Bad Guys


Species: Human

Bluffonia was a beautiful land until Clandestino came along with his secret of "getting it all". Clandestino has done everything from stopping time to paving the forest to get his way and get rid of the Bluffers. Luckily, without success. He lives in a castle in the midst of Bluffonia and it is said that within these walls is the secret of getting it all. All we can say is that Clandestino keeps the keys to the secret on him at all time making it almost impossible for the Bluffers to get.
Birthday: February 29th
Name most likely from the word Clandestine meaning kept in secret (fitting noh?).

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Silicon is Clandestion's butler, and without him Clandestino would probably be left out on the street. In Silicon's whole life, Clandestino has only given him one day off on March 1st.

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Species: Dog

Glumm is the ever-so fateful watchdog of Clandestino's secret. Well, fateful may not be the correct word. Glumm has on several occasions betrayed Clandestino and joined up with the Bluffers. One of the reasons why Glumm betrays Clandestino is the fact that Clandestino uses Glumm in other ways then a watchdog like a Guinea pig in Over Bluffoonia in my Balloon.

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