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Socialist Action salutes the 40,000 trade unionists, environmentalists, students, farmers and other concerned people who took to the streets of Seattle with us to protest the World Trade Organization in November!

We wholeheartedly support the fight for jobs, higher education, abolition of child labor and against the super-exploitation of our working class brothers and sisters, which is taking place both at home and abroad. We also stand 100% opposed to the continuing degradation of our biosphere by corporate America.

However, we think it is important for the sake of the movement to criticize what we feel was a failure on the part of many of the organizers of the Seattle protest to come out in clear opposition to the main enemy we face, that is capitalism, especially capitalism here at home.

We have to avoid getting sucked into the debate over free trade vs. protectionism. In the first place, this is a debate between different sections of corporate America. Neither side represents the interests of working people. Slogans like "fair trade" serve only to confuse people into thinking that the way forward is to support "good" capitalists against "bad" ones, when in fact there is no such distinction.

The enemy is neither free trade nor protectionism. The enemy is all capitalist trade policies - and the capitalist class as a whole, which inevitably puts profits before human needs. To successfully fight and win we need to be clear on who exactly we're fighting against.

The massive protest in Seattle was significant because of its great size, and its bringing together such a diverse group of people and organizations, from labor unions to environmental groups. It's also important to recognize that historically it is exactly these kind of mass mobilizations that have resulted in gains for labor, women, Blacks and others. Our strenth lies in our numbers!

Socialist Action calls for continued mass mobilizations, organized around specific issues that affect working peoples lives. We need to revitalize the labor movement, the feminist movement, the gay & lesbian liberation movement and the spirit of international working class solidarity.

If we avoid the traps laid for us by the ruling class by building an independent working class movement dedicated to fighting for our interests, we can and will be able to take on corporate America and win. And when that happens, we'll be in a position to construct a new society, one where people come before profits, and democracy is extended to every level of society. Join us in the struggle for socialism!

Twin Cities Socialist Action
P.O. Box 14087
Dinkeytown Station
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Email us:

Twin Cities Socialist Action

Workers of Minnesota Unite!