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The Sadhana Old-Age Home and Orphanage
(A charitable Institution run by the Sadhana Trust)


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The Old-Age Home and Orphanage

The Senior  Citizens Community Centre

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Increasing Life expectancy, innumerable diseases and spiraling prices, have rendered a large number of poor people, destitutes, with little or no resources for their survival. The aged and the infirm, form a large chunk of India's society which has done precious little to alleviate their suffering. Society also owes an obligation to the orphans and the deprived youth, whose misery can be mitigated by extending a helping hand and steering them through this harsh world.

The Sadhana trust, a charitable, non-profit organization is currently giving shape to a charitable Home for the Aged as also an orphanage, to meet these needs. The institution is being built in a four acre area near KANJIKODE VILLAGE, PALAKKAD DISTRICT, KERALA, INDIA off the COIMBATORE-PALLAKKAD highway. While the orphanage will comprise of independent cottages with about ten children in each cottage, classrooms, vocational rooms with attendant necessities like infirmary, community centre, recreational, vocational and meditation centres. Construction is underway and the whole area is being landscaped. One of the trustees already runs a primary school which will meet most of the daily requirements of the orphanage and old age home.

The Trust intends to provide food and shelter-free of charge-to about 50 destitutes and an equal number of orphans in the first stage. While presenting you with an opportunity to help the needy, the Trust invites you to contribute generously to this noble project.


Last Updated: June 1999
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Webmaster:Roshni Ramanujam,Chicago,Il.