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Medford opens season with tourney win and six champions!

Final results:

Medford 202
Wabasso 140.5
Grand Meadow 101.5
Nicollet 101
Southland-Adams 90
Maple River 76
GFW 43
United South Central 36.5
Mankato Loyola 33

103 Greg Brendemuehl(10) – 1st Place (seeded 3rd)
----------won by fall vs Phillip Hawkins(8) Nic
----------won by decision vs Chandler Giles(7) SA
----------won OT 6-4 vs Todd Sievert(10) GFW

112 Nick Yule(10) – 1st Place (seeded 4th)
----------won by fall vs Matt Koch(9) ML
----------won OT 4-2 vs Nathan Rohlik(10) Nic
----------won by fall vs Chance Carlson(8) USC

119 Brent Yule(8) – 4th Place (unseeded)
----------lost 9-4 vs Tom Hamilton(10) SA
----------won 9-5 vs Chris Adams(9) USC
----------won 9-7 vs Matt Allerson(10) Nic
----------lost 14-3 vs Taylor Bunne(9) GM

125 Chad Mifek(10) – Did Not Place (unseeded)
----------lost by fall vs Brent Mees(12) SA
----------won by fall vs Justin Peterson(10) ML
----------lost 8-2 vs Waylon Rudenick(12)

130 Blaine Kuhlman(12) – 1st Place (seeded 1st)
----------won by fall vs John Michels(12) ML
----------won 7-1 vs Ryan King(10) GM
----------won by fall vs Brandon Irlbeck(10) W

135 Mitch Kuhlman(9) – 1st Place (seeded 1st)
----------won by fall vs Joe Rodriguez(12) USC
----------won by fall vs Travis Linsmeier(12) GFW
----------won 6-2 vs Mitch Bunne(10) GM

140 Brent Glende(10) – 4th Place (seeded 4th)
----------won by fall vs Brandon Sahr(9) USC
----------lost 6-3 Andy Schilling(12) W
----------won 11-1 vs Jeff Hiller(12) MR
----------lost 8-2 Chad Kottschade(12) GM

145 Steve Maas(10) – 3rd Place (unseeded)
----------won by fall vs Pat Irlbeck(10) W
----------lost OT 6-4 vs Tom Hohenstein(12) Nic
----------won by fall vs Adam Churchill(12) SA
----------won 6-2 vs Robert Sauter GFW

152 Cary Leibeg(12) – 1st Place (seeded 1st)
----------won by fall vs Brady Krohnberg(11) USC
----------won by fall vs Jared Stejskal(10) GM
----------won 11-3 vs Chris Heiling W

160 Jay DeCoux(11) – 1st Place (seeded 3rd)
----------won 10-3 vs Rudy Maurer(12) MR
----------won 8-5 vs Kyle Asleson(10) Nic

171 Bob Hanson(10) – 4th Place (unseeded)
----------lost by fall vs Bailey Boerboom(12) W
----------won by inj def vs Eric Kottschade(11) GM
----------won by fall vs Adam Chapek(10) SA
----------lost 10-2 vs Bailey boerboom(12) W
189 Aaron Schroht(12) – 2nd Place (seeded 2nd)
----------won by fall vs Cory Simondet(11) Nic
----------won by fall vs Tom Vanloy(10) W
----------lost by fall vs Clint Hodgdon(12) GM

275 Paul Karow(10) – 4th Place (seeded 4th)
----------won by fall vs Brian Whitney(12) MR
----------lost by fall vs Johnny Frank(12) W
----------won by fall vs John Bathke(10) USC
----------lost by fall vs Joe Hovde(11) GM

1st Greg Brendemeuhl (M) 6-4
2nd Todd Sievert (GFW)
3rd Chad Altermatt (W) 11-2
4th Chandler Giles (SA)

1st Nick Yule (M) Fall
2nd Chance Carlson (USC)
3rd Nathan Rohlik (W) 4-2
4th Brian Messerli (GFW)

1st Tom Hamilton (SA) OT 12-10
2nd Lance Hendrickson (MR)
3rd Taylor Bunne (GM) 14-3
4th Brent Yule (M)

1st Brent Mees (SA) 9-5 xxx
2nd John Niebuhr (USC) xxx
3rd Waylon Rudenick (W) 4-0 xxx
4th Jamie Wagner (N)

1st Blaine Kuhlman (M) Fall xxx
2nd Brandon Irlbeck (W) xxx
3rd Ryan King (GM) 5-2 xxx
4th Jake Yost (N) xxx

1st Mitch Kuhlman (M) 6-2 xxx
2nd Mitch Bunne (GM)
3rd Adam Landherr (SA) 1-0
4th Travis Linsmeier (GFW)

1st Andy Schilling (W) 4-3 xxx
2nd Pete Churchill (SA)
3rd Chad Kottschade (GM) 8-2
4th Brent Glende (M)

1st Ned Shuck (MR) 12-2 xxx
2nd Tom Hohenstein (N)
3rd Steve Maas (M) 6-2
4th Robert Sauter (GFW)

1st Cary Leibeg (M) 11-3
2nd Chris Heiling (W)
3rd Marc Bode (N)Fall
4th Jared Stejskal (GM)

1st Jay DeCoux (M) 8-5
2nd Kyle Asleson (N)
3rd Todd Nelson (W) 7-4
4th Rudy Maurer (MR)

1st Jake Meixl (ML) Fall
2nd Jeff Hendrickson (MR)
3rd Bailey Boerboom (W) 10-2
4th Bob Hanson (M)

1st Clint Hodgdon (GM) Fall xxx
2nd Aaron Schroht (M)
3rd Cory Simondet (N) Fall
4th Tom Vanloy (W)

1st Johnny Frank (W) Fall xxx
2nd Ryan Rosin (N)
3rd Joe Hovde (GM) Fall
4th Paul Karow (M)

xxx - has participated in the state tournament
This tournament only placed four places