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                                Good Morning!
Can you say with me this morning,
"I am so truly and wonderfully blest!"
We have an awesome God who gives
 to His children all that is best!
Praise His wonderful name!
       Wonderfully Blest
I have been truly blest of you
  Lord, in so many wonderful ways;
I'm here on my knees before you
   to offer my love and my praise!
I thank you for giving me my health
  and my wonderful loving family;
Friends with whom I can share your
  love and most important of all, you've
  given me thee!
You were with me when I needed
  comforting and my tears would not
  stop flowing;
You held me close in the palm of your
  hand when from me my loved one was
You've been with me when life took it's
   toll on me when in helplessness, to you
  I cried;
You were there when I strayed from
   your path of righteousness because
   of my foolish self pride!
You've been with me through many a
   trial and sheltered me from a world
   grown cold;
You will be here with me when I walk
   that last mile, when this body grows
   feeble and old!
You'll go with me through the valley
   of the shadow of death,
When I close my eyes and draw my
   last breath;
When this body of clay has been laid
   to rest,
 I will be at home in heaven with You 
   provided  with all that is best!
            Helen Johnson

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