Helen's Poetic Gallery
The Helen Johnson Gallery
of Poems from the Creator
Helen passed away on Saturday September 23rd 2006
We will miss you terribly Helen...
but we so rejoice that you are now with our Lord & Savior!
Helen really liked this Panda Bear, and asked that one be made for her.
Mary P. made this for her.....
To Enter The Gallery Click On The Banner

A Blessing for You
May God's wondrous love o'rflow you
and may you always feel
him near;
May your life be filled with His own
joy and your mind be free from
doubts and fear.
May you know the happiness that
each day only He can
May His peace each day uplift you
and new songs of joy to Him
you'll sing!
May your heart be His special dwelling
place and you feel the warmth of
His loving embrace
May your sorrows, heartaches and pain
be erased and His touch put a
smile upon your face!
May He always walk beside you
and protect you with
His love;
May one day we meet one another
in our heavenly home,
God Bless You
~Helen Johnson~
The Purpose Of This Site Is Stated In:
"Reaching Out"
Updated: 9-13-07