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Hi There!
Just wanted to share a
little sunshine with you,
and let me tell you that there
is one who loves you so
much that He gave His
life for you!
"A Ray Of Sunshine"
A small act of kindness can
lift a heart out of
And bring joy to someone
who thought there
was no one to
It can brighten the day and
bring the sunshine
It can fill their heart with
happiness and make
them feel warm
An act of kindness can tell
someone that God still
hears and answers
That life can be so pleasant
when with someone
you are willing to
Let's bring some sunshine
into a heart that has
grown lonely and
Let's show them that God's
love is worth far more
than gold.
When the storms have past
and gone at last;
We know the sun will
come shinning
We'll look up and see the
lovely rainbow that
God has given us
to view!  
Even the tiny creatures
praise and worship
His lovely
So let us lift our voices
to Him in honor and
glory and do
the same!
~Helen Johnson~
God Loves You
                    And so do I! 

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