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Precious In His Sight
     Good Morning!
Oh what blessed assurance our loving Father gives to us when we give Him first place in our hearts and lives! And the joy He gives makes us want to sing of our love to Him. Amen?....
  My song and Story 
You O Lord are  my song and
   my story,
The desire of my heart is to give
  You all praise and glory!
You are my life and Your Word
  I receive;
You are my source and in You I
Lord, You are my refuge when   storms rage  all around,
Under Your wings I know that   I'm safe and sound!
 You are the rock to whom I will    cling;
 In You Lord I trust and Your    peace and joy You bring.
 Once I was lost but You came    and You found me;
 For me You gave all on a cruel    cross at Calvary!
 Lord, You gave me new hope and    took away all my fears and    sadness;
 Now my heart is filled with Your    joy and gladness!
 Oh how I love You, You're my
 And this song in my heart to You    I will forever sing,
 You are my loving Father and    I'm now a child of the King;
 And the joy here inside me bubbles    up like a spring! 
          ~Helen Johnson~
     God Loves You
        You are Precious in
               His sight!

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Song playing is:

Blessed Assurance