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      The Crucifixion
I found myself standing at the edge of a crowd!
A crowd of angry people filled with violence
and hate;
While some were shouting, some were taunting, 
and all were calling out enraged and irate.
At first I didn't understand what it was all about
until I heard, "Crucify Him!" in loud angry shouts!
Then I knew I'd been taken back in time to a much
earlier age;
An onlooker, unseen, reliving the past as before me
a scene, as from a large outdoor stage.
As I watched, I saw Jesus who was tied to a stake;
as they beat Him His blood flowing down forming
a small blood red lake.
His face was so swollen it hardly looked human,
with blood trickling down from this crown of thorns
on His head;
When the beating was ended and He fell to the ground
and lay there hardly breathing, as though He were dead.
But the guards picked Him up with no thought for His
suffering and a huge wooden cross they slung on His
torn and bloody back;
He could barely put one foot in front of the other but
they struck Him and shoved Him and gave Him no
His body finally gave out and He stumbled and fell to the ground;
The cross fell heavily upon His back but He could
not move for He was both tied and bound.
A guard grabbed someone from out of the crowd and
slung the cross upon his back;
He laid Jesus' arm across his shoulder and the two of 
them struggled falteringly up the rough rocky track.
By now my tears were falling so fast, blinding my eyes, as the large procession passed me by;
I tried to call out, but no one seemed to hear me and all I could do was bow my head and cry.
Then Jesus turned and with eyes filled with sorrow, was looking straight at me;
 I heard Him speak softly in a voice that was pleading, "Please go and feed my sheep."
I stood at the foot of Golgotha for I could not watch
as they drove those nails through His hands and feet!
But the thought came to mind as I stood there, weeping, "Jesus is Lord, and He will never go down in defeat!"
I watched as they raised the cross there on that crowded hill;
He hung there for hours in pain and agony but when
He gave up the ghost, suddenly the sky grew dark and
all was so quiet and still!
Then there came a loud clap of thunder as lightening
lit up the sky; and In my mind I could hear the temple
veil being ripped apart.......
as the blood and water flowed freely down from my Savior's broken heart!
I turned and was walking slowly away with trembling
heart, and with thoughts running through my head.
Suddenly I found I was back at home, lying there in
my tear soaked bed!
I looked up to heaven with arms held high as the suns'
first rays filtered through my room;
I was praising the name of my Lord and Savior for I
knew that in three days He arose from that tomb!!!
He had given His life because of His love and we now
could claim His wonderful gift of salvation!
He had taken our sins upon Himself and this gift was
given to all mankind of every race, color and nation!
I lifted my hands to Him in wonder at the vision I
had been privileged to behold;
He had just given to me a gift far more precious than
all this world's gold!
I gave Him my word right there and then that my
promise to Him I would keep;
I would spend the rest of the time He's given to me, I would spend my life feeding His sheep!
                                 Helen Johnson
                                        Hallelujah He is Risen!

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