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            Thank God for Angels
        I thank God for the angels He's brought into my life.
        On wings of hope I'm lifted up above the storms' fierce winds of strife.
        Just when I feel I'm sinking in waves doubt and fear;
       I look up and behold them hovering so lovingly near!
All the evil that surrounds tries to
    drag your spirits down;
But thank God for His angels
    who will not let us drown!
He sends them to protect us on
    wings so strong and sure;
They hide us from the evil one
    and help us to endure!
Whenever we're in trouble and
    feel there's no way out,
We can look up and we'll see
    them  hovering all about!
They may appear quite ordinary
    but they have such strength and power,
They are there just when we need
    them and will bring us through the
                 darkest hours!
               ~Helen Johnson~
            I dedicate this to all of my wonderful
                  friends on line who are always
                              there for me!
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