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Because I Love You

I was standing on trial in the courtroom of life;
I was found guilty of all my sins and was filled with misery and strife.
The jury was back from their deliberations;
I'd been sentanced to die for my sins and transgressions.

But then Jesus came forward and He pleaded my cause......
He took on Himself all my sins and my flaws.
He said He was willing to die in my place;
All my sins and my guilt could then be erased!

I watched as they crucified Him there on that rugged cross,
As He suffered and died and paid my great cost.
As I looked up and saw Him hanging there in pain and agony,
I cried out, "Oh Lord, why would you do this for me?"

He looked down upon me with a smile on His face,
He said, "My child, I love you So I have taken your place."
Then I fell to my knees right there on the ground;
For a love such as this No where on earth could be found!

It was He who paid the price that you and I could live;
His gift of salvation through His sacrifice for us He would give!
Oh what a wonderful Savior is He.......
That He would pay the price for me!

~Helen Johnson~

Song playing is:

If That Isn't Love

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