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Part 8. Birthday

27-5-67 Mon

Dear Sophie,

On Friday it’s my birthday. My 21st. I did mention when I got here that my birthday is the first of June. I don’t know if they remembered or anything. I don’t feel like I should go and tell them or anything. I just hope they’re not planning some huge party for me.


29-5-67 Wed

Dear Sophie,

Thank-god. Micky mentioned my birthday. I expressed my concerns about a party. They said it was ok. They hadn’t planned one.

"Good." I said

"Why don’t you want a party Eb?" Davy asked

"I’m not really a party person."

"Oh. Then how should we celebrate? It is your 21st after all." I shrugged my shoulders.

"How ‘bout we take you out to dinner?" suggested Mike

"Um, yeah. That’s ok."

"It’s settled then. We’ll take you out to Chez Chef."

So that’s what's happening on my birthday. Davy’s bringing his girlfriend Tina, Micky’s bringing Polly and Mike is going to let us meet his new girlfriend Laura. I know. I can’t believe it either. I just didn’t imagine Mike having a girlfriend. I know, it’s pretty stupid. He is good looking. Almost sexy even. But I’m glad for him. I wonder what she’s like? After I’ve met her I’ll tell all.

But back to dinner. I said everyone is bring a girlfriend, except Peter. Maybe my birthday will be the day, you know a birthday present. I can just imagine. The others have given me my present, and I’m waiting for him to give one to me. He’ll say "I got you a different present." And I’ll say "Really? What is it then?" and he’ll stand me up, take off my glasses (which shouldn’t be there) and kiss me deeply and passionately. Then he’ll tell me he loves me, and we’ll ride off into the sunset on a white horse.

Yeah, yeah. I’m only dreaming. But it’s nice to dream, isn’t it?

Love Ebony

30-5-67 Thurs

Dear Sophie,

Tomorrow is my birthday. And today is boring. I’ve been left at home alone while they shop for presents. Well, what can I talk about? Remember that Mike said that I’d have to pay rent once I get a job? Well, that hasn’t happened yet. I’ve applied for jobs, but I just haven’t got them. It’s quite depressing actually. I’m on unemployment benefits anyway, so I do help out a bit. Being unemployed is much easier in the sixties than it is in the nineties. I was unemployed then, and on benefits. I was called a Job Seeker, and had to look for 4 jobs a fortnight and write them down in my Job Seeker Diary, or I didn’t get paid. Not that it was much anyway. $60 a fortnight. You see the amount you got on Youth Allowance depended on you parents income. Pretty stupid eh? Anyway that’s just a bit of info on the future. The guys are back, so I’ll go for now. Ciao!

Love Ebony

2-6-67 Sat

Dear Sophie,

Well, I’m 21. I’m now legal. Not that it means much. I was legal at 18 in Australia. I don’t do much of that stuff anyway. You know, drinking, going to clubs, pubs etc.

Anyway I’ll tell you about my birthday. It wasn’t too bad. Except that Peter didn’t take me away into the sunset on a white horse. He gave me a really nice necklace with a moon on it. I’ll never take it off. He kissed me on the cheek when he gave it to me. Anyway I also got a book from Mike, a head band from Davy and a record from Micky - Sgt Pepper. Good thing I love that album so much.

We went out at 7. I had a pretty good time. Laura is really nice, but she’s short. It’s quite a contrast seeing her stand next to Mike. I won’t go on with the boring details, like what we ate etc. We were invited by Tina to a camp out next weekend at her grandparents farm. She said that some of her other friends were going as well, and she’d be glad if all of us came. I don’t know if I’ll go.

That didn’t take long. Oh well, it wasn’t all that exciting. Nothing to tell really. Bye!


4-6-67 Mon

Dear Sophie,

Peter wants me to come to the camp out.

"It’ll be fun."

"Oh, I don’t know. I’m not too good with crowds."

"Come on. I’m going, and so are the others."

"I don’t know. Maybe."

"I’ll miss you if you don’t." Then he walked away.

That made up my mind Sophie. I hope I don’t regret it.


5-6-67 Tue

Dear Sophie,

The guys have been offered a gig in two weeks at the Club Cassandra. They’re taking it of course. They’re glad they still get to go to the camp out. I’m not. The only reason I’m going is because Peter wants me to go. I just have this feeling about it. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.


8-6-67 Fri

Dear Sophie,

We’re going today. Tina is picking us up in her parents van at 3. She told us not to pack extra clothes because there is nowhere for us to change. We’ve got to bring sleeping bags, pillows and a bit of food. Well, Soph she’ll be here any minute now, so I’ll see you after the camp out. Bye.

Love Ebony


Part 7/ Storybook/ Part 9