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Part 19. Crash!

26-7-67 Thurs

Dear Sophie,

Ok, I did something today and I don’t know if it was good or bad. Over the past few months that I’ve been here I’ve been playing round on Micky’s drums, and I’ve gotten pretty good. Anyway, I was fooling around on them today and I started playing out a song that I was familiar with. It’s called Crash! and it’s by the Propellerheads. I was playing the riffs, and sort of singing. I say sort of because it’s an instrumental. I didn’t know that the others were around. They thought it was a cool song and joined in. Now they want me to play it tomorrow night. It’s not exactly like the original, but still it’s similar. Now I can’t help but wonder that if they become famous and release it will the Propellerheads still do it in the nineties? Oh Soph, what have I done?

The guys are pretty amazed that I can play drums, especially Mick. Peter says I have talent and now he’s going to teach me piano. I already know a bit because I used to have lessons. I wonder how much I will learn with Peter teaching me?


27-7-67 Fri

Dear Sophie,

Today I had my first piano lesson with Peter. It was basically me showing him what I could play. He wanted to see what my skills were. I was a bit rusty at first because I hadn’t played in a while, but as I got going the full picture of my skills were shown. (which isn’t a very big picture, compared to Peter) He said I had definite potential, and he wasn’t just saying that cos he’s my boyfriend.

We also practised Crash! again. I have to tell you Soph I have a weird feeling about this. I swear I didn’t know they were there, listening. If I did I wouldn’t have played it, or sung the instruments. Anyway, Mike decided that Crash! should be last. I have no problem with that. I’m glad, because usually by the time the last song is up people aren’t paying too much attention to the song.

Well Soph, I’ve gotta go now because we’re getting ready to go, but I’ll talk to you ASAP. Ciao!


28-7-67 Sat

Dear Sophie,

It didn’t go all that good actually. Yay! I don’t think these people are ready for that kind of music. It’s way ahead of it’s time. They just sort of listened, looking confused. We got a few claps. Because Crash! didn’t go so well the guys decided to play Daydream Believer to get the crowd going again and to finish on a good note.

Anyway, Peter and I are getting a lot closer. It’s coming soon. I can feel it.

Today it’s my sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday Georgie. You’re 13 at last. A teenager. But is it really? You’re not even born yet. Will you be born at all? Well, at least I remembered. It’s kind of depressing actually. There’s no way I can get in contact with her. God, I miss her.

"What’s wrong Eb?" Peter asked

"It’s Georgie’s birthday."


"My sister."

"Oh. How old?"


"Big age.

"Yeah. I miss her Pete."

"I know." He put his arm around me and I leant on him. We stayed like that for a while, not saying anything.

He’s so good to me like that. He understands my ‘situation’ (where I’m from). I think he always will.

Love Ebony


Part 18/ Storybook/ Part 20