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BaCkStReEt MaNiA!!!!

Hello! No one usually reads these so I don't know why we're writing this , but we are, so...... here we go! This is our site about how much we love the Backstreet Boys. We love them not just for their looks but also for their music too. If you don't like the Backstreet Boys, LEAVE! This site may contain things you disagree with but that's your problem. Most of this stuff we might not mean so we might be sorry if it offends you. We should probably stop talking now (or you should stop reading) so you can enjoy this awesome BSB site (if you're reading this anyway.) Alright......... LET'S HAVE A PARTY! :-P

OK if any of the people reading this want to send in some ideas for our page we will gladly consider it.

Also if you want to e-mail me (Amy) my e-mail is and I also have yahoo messanger so you can IM me at Amy4Nick_BSB and I have ICQ. My pin number is 60330969. I really want you to mail me!!!!! C'mon. Please? E-mail me whatever and whenever you want!!

Here are some places to go!

I LoVe BaCkStReEt BoYs!!!!! AnD i'Ll TeLl YoU wHy!!!
View Our Guestook!
Sign Our Guestbook!
BSB Stories and Dreams
Chat Transcript of ZoogDisney Chat with Nick Carter
Lyrics for BSB Songs!!
The As Long As You Love Me Chair Dance
Nick's Tattoos!
About Amy!!
Backstreet Boys Quiz
WhAt Is YoUr FaVe MuSiC vIdEo??
A BSB Christmas Poem
TV Appearences
Video Concept For Show Me The Meaning
Other Great Sites!!
Rolling Stones' Article
Brian and Kevin are gettin' married!!!!
JoHnNy No NaMe!!!!!!

My Favorite things about Backstreet Boys
