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Atari Affiliate Websites


Tech guy (Mike)
Design guy (Alex)

AAP cart logo

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Atari A**ed Pants are a new product that allow you to show your support for Atari in a very different way.

Welcome to the home page for Atari A**ed Pants. You may of never heard of Atari A**ed Pants(or AAP), but we specialize in making pants with the Atari logo on the a**. We hope that soon they will become very popular. This page will be updated very soon.

The success of our project will be based on the belief that people who have played Atari 2600 or other Atari systems will always be loyal to them. Even after of the release of gaming systems that dworf the Atari in power, Atari still has some of the most intense games avaliable, such as Frogger, Asteroids, and many others. Because of this, many people, we hope, will be willing to avertise their dedication to Atari by wearing the classic Atari 'A' logo on their clothing. Of course, you can buy shirts with Atari logos on them, but that can be still too boring, and it won't stand out from your average shirt advertisement. So, we've come up with something you won't see everyday, a pair of pants with the Atari logo on the back. What inspired this? Well, one day three geometry students were doing chalk drawings on the sidewalk, and they chose to do their drawing of an Atari logo. After it was drawn, it began to rain, and one of the students, who already had chalk all over him decided to go ahead and put the logo on too, so he sat down on the drawing, leaving the Atari logo on his pants, and the rest is history.

This project is still in the prototype stage, and the use of the liscenced Atari logo is still pending. But of you would be willing to support this project, please send an email with your name and why you'd like to see this happen to or With the help of supporters we believe this will get off the ground!

One last thing, we wanna thank for all their help, and their devotion to Atari!

"Sock monkeys can DJ too you know!" -Mike

FIRST PAIR:WE HAVE MADE ARE FIRST REAL PAIR!!! Pictures (real photos!) will be posted soon!

New Url
New Location:You can now get to the AAP web site through the URL

Front logo:Atari A**ed Pants has a new front logo. Check it out on the front page. In case you didn't notice, it's an Atari 2600 game cartridge.

Pictures:New new pictures of pants and logo added.