Baranowski - One who came from Barano or Baranowice (Baran's settlement), in Poland. Thought to have originated in Mazovia and Galicia. Baran means "ram."

Baranow Sandomierski is a Middle Age city.
It has a castle, known to locals as "Little Wawel."
This is their city's civic arms.
Bebnowski, province of Sandomierz in 1408
***Sandomierz was a walled and fortified city.
Bialaczewicz, province of Sandomierz. Biala means "white."
Bialaczowski, province of Sandomierz in 1232
Bielawski - one who came from Bielawa, Poland.
Bilicz, Slask in 1550
Bilitsch -
Blaszkowicz, Przemysl in 1454.
***Przemysl is a fortified town situated on the River San, and is one of the oldest cities in Poland.
Blazejowicz (Odrowaz VII)
Blezowski -
Bohurynski, Wolyn in 1495
Brachowski province of Kracow in 1460.
..............Litwa in 1763

This Odrowaz coat of arms is from Polskie Rody Szacheckie I Icy Herby
Buchta - one who made and sold buchta, a national cake made with yeast (of Czech origin). This family was in Slask in 1500
Buczkowski - buczec means to hum, drone or buzz.
Burkacki, province of Czernichow in 1661
.............Sandomierz in 1673
.............province of Kujawy in 1697
.............Burkacki later used the surname Zarnowieski.
Bylina, Czersk in 1522
Cedrowski, Litwa in 1632
Jan Cedrowski was born on March 13, 1617, and died in 1682 (in Pohosie?). Jan is of the clan Odrowaz. He was active in the Sejm; a biographer, a client of the Birzach family branch of the Radziwills. Jan Cedrowski was elected several times to the Diet (Sejm). He was a deputy to the Lithuanian Tribunal, and in 1656, was an envoy to the Czar. He authored Albums of Memoirs about his life from 1617-1682 (Dziegielewski, Jan and Janusz Ekes, et al. Encyklopedia Historii Polski: Dzieje Polotyczne(Vol. 1). Warsaw: Morey s.c.-Egross, 1994).
Chlewicki, Sandomierz in 1460.
Chreptowicz, Litwa 1470.
........They were adopted into the Odrowaz family - sen.
Chodecki - Chodzic means to walk or go.
Chomski - Choma is the Ukrainian form of Tomasz.
Chwalkowski, Greater Poland in 1420.
Cizowski, province of Kracow in 1460
Czechowski - one who came from Bohemia (Germany), a Czech..
Czelo, Slask in 1484.
Debinski, province of Krakow in 1460 (Odrowaz VIII)
Debna (Odrowaz VII)
Dembinski - dweller in, or near, an oak woods.
Duracz, province of Sandomierz
Dziewatl, province of Kracow 1460
Egrodzynski, Mazovia in 1590
Falk - one who took care of falcons or hawks; one who lived by the sign of the falcon (German)
Falkonski (nob.)
Ferber (nob.) - a painter or stainer (German)
Forsth - dweller near a forest (German)
Forst (nob.) - dweller in, or near, a forest (German).
Galka - dweller at the sign of the ball; or near a rounded hill. Recorded in 1345
Giwanowski, province of Krakow in 1460
Godowski, ziemia kalista 1640
Gorski - Dweller on or near a mountain. Recorded in the province of Krakow in 1534