The Odrowaz Coat of Arms
Families That Use This Arms -2

NOTICE: These are the historical families of the Odrowaz clans as shown in Polish, German, and French armorials. I can't be expected to know all the names that break this pattern. I have to rely on records.
- Gostynski - one who came from Grabow (yoke-elm place), the name of three places in Poland.
- in Lomza Province
- Grabow in Konin Province
- One who kept goats.
- Gostwicki, of the land area of Sadecka in 1700
- Grabowski - one who came from Grabow (yoke-hornbeam/slippery elm place),
- the name of three places in Poland (see Gostynski).
- the place where a grove of Hornbeams stood.
- Gradowski - one who lived in a fortified spot.
- Gralinki
- Greczynski
- Gudowicz
- Gulbinski
- Hanel (nob.)
- Iwanowski - came from Iwaniec in Poland.
- Iwan is Ukranian/Russian for the Polish "Jan."
- Recorded in the province of Krakow in 1460.
- Jachnowski
- Jachnowicz
- Jacyna
- Jacynicz
- Jaczyniec, district of Slonimski in 1491
- Jaczynic
- Jaczynski - Kalisz
- Jaskolka
- Jelenski - dweller at the sign of the stag deer; one who hunted.
- Found in Litwa in 1630
- Kamienski - one who came from Kamien (stone/rock).
- The name of two villages in Poland. Dweller near a large stone.
- Found in Litwa in 1632
- Wolyn in 1641
- Kapuscinski, Chelm 1700
- Kapusta Kniaz - the cabbage head, a term of contempt for a stupid person.
- One who grew and sold cabbages.
- Documented in Wolyn 1463 (sen.)
- Kapusta Kniaz - was adopted into the family.
- Kapuscinski
- Karsnicki, province of Sandomierz in 1550
- Katalinski
- Kietlinski, province of Sandomierz in 1500
- Kielpsz
- Knizski
- Knyszynski
- Konczcwski - Konczyk means dweller at the sharp end.
- Konecki - dweller at the sign of the horse; one who used a horse in his work.
- Koniecki - dweller at the sign of the horse; one who used a horse in his work.
- Konicki- dweller at the sign of the horse; one who used a horse in his work.
- Documented in Wizna 1420
- Documented in Sandomierz
- Documented in Prussia in 1540
- Documented in Pomorania
- Koscielnicki
- Kotulinski, province in Nowogrodzkie in 1697
- Krajewski - one from the country; dweller at the outskirts of the town.
- Krawarski, Slask in 1350 and 1793
- Krobski
- Kruzlowski
- Kryszkowski, province of Sandomierz in 1600
- Documented in Wolyn in 1674
- Kulinski - one who was bent over and deformed. This family was granted the Odrowaz arms by the King of Poland
- Kurienski
- Kurzanski, province of Ruskie in 1500
- Kuszel
- Kuszelewski
- Lasota, Slask 1240
- Ledrowski
- Lewiecki in the district of Czechowski
- Likaszewski
- Litawor.
- Documented in Litwa in 1435
- Litowar
- Lukaszewski - the son of Lukasz.
- Luskina
- documented in Litwa in 1700
- Lucki - the son of Luke.
- Lukaszewicz - the son of Lukasz (light).
- Malechowski
- Malicki
- Maluja
- documented in Podole in 1615
- documented in the land area of Halicka 1782
- Manczukowski (nob.)
- Maniewski
- Maskiewicz
- Boguslaw Kazimierz Maskiewicz D: 1683
Chronicler; was the son of Samuel Maskiewicz. In his youth, he served at the courts of Magnates, including Duke J. Wisniowiecki with whom, after the uprising of Chirlnicki, he took part in the retreat from Zadnieprza and the expedition deep into the Ukraine: In 1648-1655, he served as a "Towarzysz" (rank in the old Polish Cavalry, which is equal to a general) pf the Hussar Regiment of the Lithuanian Army. Several times he was a representative to the Seym (Poland's Parliament), where he supported the faction of the Pac family; he wrote his memoirs from 1640-1649 and 1660.
- Samuel Maskiewicz D: 1640. Deputy Palatine of Nowogordek, Chronicler: from his youth he served in the Army, during the time of the Zebrzydowski Mutiny in 1608-1609. He declared himself on the side of the king and participated in the battle near Guzow (1607) and war with Russia (1609-1612); during which time he was a Lt. in the Hussars Regiment. From 1613-1614, he was a member of the army confederation. In 1614, he settled on his property in the Nowogrod district. He was acting as the scribe of the town of Nowogrod and district. Samuel wrote his memoirs from 1594-1621.
- Mielnicki 1764
- Mieszkowski
- documented in the province of Kaliskie in 1374
- documented in Greater Poland
- Mieszczkowski
- Miklasz, Slask 1451
- Milzecki, province of Krakow in 1600
- Milzycki
- Milzecki
- Mimomski
- Minakowski
- Minewski
- Minkiewicz
- documented in Litwa in 1674
- Minkowski
- Minowski
- Mironiski, province of Krakow in 1460
- Mirski
- Mleczko, Slask in 1322 and 1787

To see more names click above
Paszkiewicza, Mieczyslawa and Herzego Kulczyckiego. Herby Rodow Polskich. London: Orbis Books, 1990.
Uruski, Seweryn. Rodzina Herbarz Szlachty Polskiej, 1904.
Rouguski, Niroslaw and Josef Zalewski. Rody Szlachty Polskiej
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[Little Poland, Swietokrzyskie and the Carpathian Mountains|Diocese of Przemysl, Sambor, and Sanok|Przemysl|Odrowaz In Polish)|Herb Odrowaz (in Polish)|Odrowaz(in Polish)
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