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Christmas 2004

We had an awesome Christmas this year! Jason and I were able to fenaggle our ways out of working Christmas Eve at the Red Lobster so we spent that day with my parents and spent Christmas with his parents.

Here I am opening my laptop. Jason didn't wrap anything this year, hehe, but I still had quite a time opening the box.

Jackie being silly as we all got ready to go see Meet the Fockers.

Jason and me opening our new high tech rice cooker. =)

Jackie opening her digital camera from Mom and Dad (the second time they've gotten her one).

Dad and the Gator playing cards from us and Jackie.

Mom opening her Estee Lauder make up from us and Jackie.

Jason opening his Michelangelo "The Creation" puzzle from Mom and Dad.

Jackie and the "Sisters" cross stitch I made for her.

Jason's mom opening the teapot set we got her.

Tim and his "dirty" German book from us.

Jason's dad and the Sims Mega Deluxe that we got him.

Jason and the sheets his parents got us.

The way my desk used to look.

The way my desk looks now!

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