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Cinnaminn's Crafts
Mouse crocheting

     Hi! Welcome to my craft web site. *S* My name is Cheryl but I'm probably better known online by my handle as "Cinnaminn" or "Cinn." I like to do all kinds of crafts such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, plastic canvas, embroidery, and cross-stitch. I was in some local 4-H clubs for knitting and sewing when I was younger and won prizes for my work.
     My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was a little girl but somehow it didn't stick with me. After her death, I finally taught myself how to crochet when I was in jr. high school and have been crocheting on and off ever since along with doing other crafts.
     My craft pages started shortly after I stumbled across the MoEZ information in 2002 while searching for some patterns and had just started making some afghans the "MoEZ" way. After having the main hard drive crash on my desktop computer in 2002, I decided to create some web pages with all the helpful information and links that I had managed to accumulate then before I lost it all again and had to go on another search mission to try to replace what was lost! *L* So most of what you will find here will be information/links about crocheting and cross-stitching but I hope to be adding more as time and thought permits. *S*
     Since I first started these pages, I started making some of my own graphs to use for crocheting, cross-stitch, knitting, etc. and have included them in my web site. None of these graphs/patterns/charts have been tested as of yet so if anyone does make anything from one of them, please let me know and send me a photo of the finished project. I would be happy to display the finished works here at my site and/or in my Epson album. *S*
     Before you go exploring my other pages here, please let me give you a few definitions/explanations about a few things for those new to crocheting. *S*

     (And if you know of someone who would be interested in visiting my site, please feel free to pass along the URL for it. All you have to do is scroll down towards the bottom of each page and you should find a little graphic there that says, "Pass-It-On" and a new browser window should open up to allow you to send the URL [by e-mail] for whatever page you happen to be viewing in my site to anyone you wish! I have also added a translation link/box so that now you can translate any of my pages into whatever language you wish from the available list.)

Explanations concerning crochet and some terms used:

  • An afghan hook looks like a long crochet hook with some kind of knob or stopper on the end of it which prevents the stitches from slipping off. You could also think of it as a long knitting needle with a hook on one end of it and a knob or stopper on the other end. The afghan stitch (a.k.a. the Tunisian stitch or Tricot Crochet along with a lot of other names for it: Shepherd's Knitting, Hook Knitting, Railroad Knitting.)  makes a grid-like pattern which makes it perfect for doing cross-stitch embroidery on it. You can also use almost any graph as your pattern and work the pattern in color while crocheting rather than having to cross-stitch it in afterwards so it will save you some time and effort! (ThUD - If you are having problems finding afghan crochet hooks in your area, I recommend visiting and ordering online from the Needles! web site - they are fast and friendly. *S*)
  • CrochenitTM combines knitting and crocheting by using a knitting needle/crochet hook with a hook on each end. The Crochenit needle/hook is available in only one size (size M) and one length. (I do recommend visiting this website. There are lots of free patterns there along with pattern books to purchase besides the Crochenit needle/hook.)
  • "Cro-hook," "Cro-Knit," or "Crochet on the Double" is almost the same as Crochenit - it is the art of crocheting using a double-ended hook but the hooks are in different sizes and/or lengths.  (And before anyone asks, I have not yet used a double-ended crochet hook although that could change at any time in the future. I just haven't had the time to give it a try right now.)
  • "Cro-point" is a technique that adapts needlepoint and cross-stitch graphed patterns to crochet, using a regular crochet hook to make "waffles", groups of stitches that comprise a square. The site I have the link for is to the Craftfinders site which sells 2 Cropoint books, "Introducing CroPointTM: The Sensational New Technique That Adapts Needlepoint and Cross-Stitch to Crochet" and "Grampy Doodles: Using CroPoint to Create You Own Afghans." (And no, I haven't tried this one yet either but it sounds interesting enough. I may have to give it a try when I get a chance. *S*)
  • Double-ended or Travel Hooks are double-ended hooks that have a different size hook on each end. They may also be known as travel hooks because they reduce the number of crochet hooks necessary to carry when traveling.
  • Easy TunisianTM is Tunisian crochet with large-sized hooks combined with inspiring designs to make your crochet creations fun, fast and fabulous. Easy Tunisian crochet hooks are smooth, slick and shiny lightweight plastic in sizes L, M, N and P. Easy TunisianTM is a trademark of Carolyn Christmas Designs.
  • MoEZ is a way to crochet the afghan stitch using hooks that are larger and/or longer than your typical afghan stitch hook that you find in most stores. The MoEZ hooks are handcrafted solid wood hooks that are very smooth and made by Monte Grimm. The MoEZ hooks are only available by ordering online from the MoEZ website at the link above. (You might like to join the MoEZ Yahoo chat group for help and information. It's a great group whether you are just learning to crochet the "MoEZ" way or an experienced crocheter. BTW, if you like, you can try making your own afghan hooks by following the instructions at Dave's Serendipity Crochet site.)
     I do want to thank you for stopping in to visit my site and I hope you will be sure to come back often. *S* I hope you enjoy your visit and find things of interest here. If you choose to bookmark my site, please be sure to bookmark my main page as the other pages may change from time to time. And just so you won't get lost within my web site, please remember that I do have a Table of Contents (TOC) page that will hopefully help you find whatever you are looking for within my site.
     If you do like my web site, please take a moment or two and vote for it from the list of sites that I have here that is being guarded by 2 guard cats! *L* My web site was listed on the Top 100 Crochet Sites but, unfortunately, that site does not seem to be working any more. Thanks for voting! *S*
     BTW....before I forget.....the mouse/mice backgrounds that you will find within this site are ones that I have made myself using some graphics from Lacefairy. *S*
     If you would like a banner to use to link to my web site from yours, please go here to see the banners I have made and download whichever one you would like to use.
Thanks! *S*

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Web page background, site, and design created by Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Originally created 16 August 2002 and updated as of 24 May 2007.
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