Links to Other Cool Websites

TidalWave Studios - Take a look at the comic company I work for.

HATE A COMEDY - Site for the film, HATE A COMEDY, written, directed, produced and starring a bunch of my friends from Emerson. It is brilliant short film with the classic theme of Man vs. Chicken.

Reviews on the Side - Not only is this a sight of wonderfully written movie reviews by my friend, Steve, but his first printed review was for HATE.

Kabinet - For more about movies visit the site created by college buddy Jay Greenberg, with articles by my close and personal friend Rob Werner.

James Ferguson- My good friend and sometimes writing partner has a new site which showcases his many talents: writing, producing and comedy.



Hey Tom, you jerk! You didn't list my website!

Sorry about that, I probably just didn't know the URL... so send it to


  Home Is Where The Heart Is - The Official website

