KidGoth (aka Tom Misuraca)

Welcome to my crypt. This is where I store some of my writings, pictures and other oddities and ends I can dig up...

Read some of my short stories here and on other e-zines. Includes some never before published stories!

Latest News
What I'm publishing, where I'm having it published, and other stuff that's going on.

Personal Information
Pictures, bio and all the useless stuff you can learn about me. With lots of pages devoted to my favorite music, books and movies. I just added lots of new picture galleries... come check 'em out!!!

Illustration by William Bates

Click here to read my interview in Midnight Time:

The Thomas J. Misuraca Interview

Click here to read my latest Internet publications:

Monkey Do

The Machine

Check out my internet radio station:

Darkness Before Dawn

Actually updated 7/20/05!!!

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