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Record of the Orally Transmitted
Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin

- Ongi Kuden -

Background on this Work

The Ongi Kuden, also called the Shu Chu Hokkekyo Ongi Kuden, or the Nikko Ki [Nikko's record]. It is a record of oral lectures, on the Lotus Sutra, given by Nichiren Daishonin to his six senior disciples. One of them, Byakuren Ajari Nikko, the founding high priest of Taiseki-ji, recorded these lectures and obtained Nichiren Daishonin's seal of endorsement on the first day of the first month of 1287. The text is divided into two portions, the main portion of which consists of an introduction of the meaning of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and of two hundred thirty one important matters. These 'matters' are phrases, symbols, and passages selected from the Lotus, Muryogi, and Fugen Sutras. The second portion [betsuden] of the Ongi Kuden consists of commentaries upon a portion of a particular chapter of the Lotus Sutra, which the Daishonin felt summed up the essence of that chapter. Excerpts of this main section and specific are set forth on this site. Sections of the main transmission are numbered consecutively from 708-786. Sections of the specific transmission are numbered from 790 to 813. I included both portions in each chapter commentary for greater ease of reading by the viewers of this material.

In recent years, considerable controversy has arisen over the authenticity of this work since no written text was listed in existence prior to 1539. Other scholars point out that the Ongi Kuden does not match, or relate to, the Daishonin's personal copy of the Annotated Lotus Sutra, in which he wrote relevant passages from the works of T'ien-t'ai and other sources. Still, other persons argue that Nichiren never called himself a Buddha, considered himself only as Bodhisattva Jogyo, and the Ongi Kuden is a forgery designed to mislead readers into a false Tendai-inspired theology. I leave it up to the readers of this work to come to their own conclusions about the veracity of the Ongi Kuden. For myself, reading this work has enriched my life and practice of Buddhism. I am confident it will help others to do so and change many misconceptions about the Lotus Sutra as Nichiren interpreted it. The essential message of this Gosho is that we all have the capacity to become a Buddha through the practice of the Lotus Sutra. The Ongi Kuden is nothing more than a very detailed explanation of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and clarifies the correct meaning of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law when Shakyamuni's teachings are now powerless to help others.

Regarding the history of this compilation, several years ago I noted that the Ongi Kuden was quoted numerous times in various Buddhist publications, but no complete copy existed in English. I then began a project to compile all of these English excerpts into a single text and match them with the correct portions of the sutra. This has not been an easy task as I have been working on it since 1995. Originally, I did this for myself and wrote the matching portions in my personal copies of the Lotus Sutra. However, with the advent of the Internet, I now realized it was possible to share the Ongi Kuden with others in the Buddhist community. It is with the spirit of sharing that I offer this compilation as a testimony to the greatness of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism and so that all persons can advance in their faith, practice, and study of True Buddhism through this work. I also hope this work will lead to a better understanding of the Daishonin's teachings throughout the world. I believe the Ongi Kuden to be highly necessary to understand the essence of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.

In 1992, Soka Gakkai International announced that Burton Watson, Professor of Asian Studies at Columbia University, had agreed to translate the Ongi Kuden into English, following his translation of the Lotus Sutra. At this time, Dr. Watson has completed his translation but extensive proofreading and revision is still in progress. In the meantime, my wish is that that this compilation will suffice to give readers a better understanding of the Ongi Kuden. Please also note that this site will be updated with additional materials as they become available. All sections of the Ongi Kuden on this site are from the Gosho Zenshu which is the current complete Japanese edition of Nichiren Daishonin's works as compiled by Nichiko Shonin, Fifty-Ninth High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu, and the Soka Gakkai over thirty years ago. I have also used Dr. Jacqueline Stone's "Some Disputed Writings in the Nichiren Corpus" to obtain additional materials on the Ongi Kuden. Quotes from the Lotus Sutra are from Burton Watson's translation of the Threefold Lotus Sutra. Page references for quotes common to both works are contained here. "LS" denotes Mr. Watson's translation and "3LS" denotes the Threefold Lotus Sutra. I will post more material as it becomes available. Any errors herein are solely my own as this is a work in progress. Additions or corrections to this work are much appreciated.


Paul Wersant
September 20, 1999

These excerpts are provided here for educational purposes only. Content related questions may be directed to Paul Wersant. Problems or questions concerning this web-site and/or translation in Serbian should be directed to Mica Mijatovic.
Zapis usmeno prenetih učenja
Ničirena Dajšonina

- Onđi Kuden -

Informacije o ovom radu

Onđi Kuden poznat je i pod imenom Šu Ču Hokekjo Onđi Kuden ili Nikko Ki [Nikkoov zapis]. To je zapis usmenih predavanja o Lotos sutri koje je Ničiren Dajšonin održao šestorici svojih starijih učenika. Jedan od njih, Bjakuren Ađari Nikko, visoki sveštenik utemeljivač Taiseki-đija, zapisao je ova predavanja i dobio pečat odobrenja Ničirena Dajšonina prvog dana prvog meseca 1287. godine. Tekst je podeljen na dva dela: glavni deo, koji se sastoji od uvoda u značenje Nam-mjoho-renge-kjoa i dve stotine trideset i jedne važne stvari. Te 'stvari' su fraze, simboli i odabrani odeljci iz Lotos, Murjogi, i Fugen sutre. Drugi deo [becuden] Onđi Kuden-a sastoji se od komentara delova posebnih poglavlja Lotos sutre za koje je Dajšonin osetio da sadrže suštinu tog poglavlja. Izvodi iz tog glavnog odeljka i posebnog su postavljeni na ovaj sajt. Odeljci glavnog prenosa su obeleženi brojevima od 708 do 786. Odeljci posebnog prenosa su obeleženi brojevima od 790 do 813. Uključio sam oba dela u svakom komentaru poglavlja da bih olakšao čitanje onima koji su zainteresovani za ovaj materijal.

Poslednjih godina, značajne kontraverznosti su se pojavile u vezi sa autentičnošću ovog dela, pošto ni jedan pisani tekst ne datira pre 1539. godine. Drugi učenici ukazuju na to da Onđi Kuden ne odgovara Dajšoninovom ličnom primerku Lotos sutre sa njegovim beleškama, gde je zapisivao važne odeljke iz dela Tjen-taja i drugih izvora - ili da se ne odnosi na nju. Još i sada, neki drugi se spore o tome kako Ničiren sebe nikada nije nazivao budom, smatrajući sebe jedino Bodisatvom Đogjom, i kako je Onđi Kuden falsifikat napravljen da zlouputi čitaoce u neku pogrešnu teologiju inspirisanu Tendaj školom. Ostavljam čitaocima ovog dela da dođu do svojih vlastitih zaključaka u vezi sa verodostojnošću Onđi Kuden-a. Što se mene tiče, čitajući ovo delo obogatio sam svoj život i svoje budističko praktikovanje. Uveren sam da i drugima može u tome pomoći i da može da promeni mnoga pogrešna shvatanja vezana za Lotos sutru jer ju je Ničiren istumačio. Suštinska poruka ovog Gošoa je da svi mi imamo sposobnost da postanemo bude putem praktikovanja Lotos sutre. Onđi Kuden je ništa drugo do jedno veoma detaljno objašnjenje Nam-mjoho-renge-kjoa i razjašnjava ispravno značenje Lotos sutre u Potonjem Danu Zakona, kada su Šakjamunijeva učenja nemoćna da pomognu drugima.

U vezi sa istorijom ove kompilacije, pre nekoliko godina sam primetio da je Onđi Kuden mnogo puta citiran u raznim budističkim publikacijama, ali da nije postojao kompletan primerak na engleskom. Tada sam započeo projekat sakupljanja svih tih izvoda na engleskom na jedno mesto i njihovog poređenja sa tačnim mestima u sutri. Ovo nije bio lak zadatak, pošto sam na tome radio od 1995. Isprva, učinio sam to za sebe i zapisao odgovarajuće delove u svoj lični primerak Lotos sutre. Međutim, sa pojavom Interneta, shvatio sam da je moguće da Onđi Kuden podelim sa drugima iz budističke zajednice. Tako, nudim ovu kompilaciju u duhu zajedničkog učešća u jednom svedočanstvu veličine budizma Ničirena Dajšonina i da bi svi mogli napredovati u svojoj veri, praktikovanju i proučavanju Istinskog budizma kroz ovaj rad. Takođe se nadam da će ovaj rad voditi boljem razumevanju Dajšoninovih učenja širom sveta. Verujem da je Onđi Kuden izuzetno neophodan za razumevanje suštine budizma Ničirena Dajšonina.

Godine 1992. Soka Gakaj Internešenel je najavila da se Barton Votson, profesor azijskih studija na Univerzitetu Kolumbija, složio da prevede Onđi Kuden na engleski, tako prateći svoj prevod Lotos sutre. U to vreme, Dr. Votson je završio svoj prevod ali su obimna iščitavanja i revizija još uvek u toku. U međuvremenu, želeo bih da ova kompilacija bude dovoljna da čitaocima dâ jedno bolje razumevanje Onđi Kuden-a. Molim vas imajte na umu da će ovaj sajt biti dopunjen dodatnim materijalima čim postanu dostupni. Svi delovi iz Onđi Kuden na ovom sajtu su iz Gošo Zenšu, tekućeg kompletnog japanskog izdanja dela Ničirena Dajšonina, sakupljenih od strane Ničiko Šonina, pedeset devetog visokog sveštenika Ničiren Šošua, i Soke Gakaj - pre više od trideset godina. Takođe sam koristio rad "Neki sporni spisi iz Ničirenove zbirke" Dr. Žaklin Stoun da bih pribavio dodatni materijal za Onđi Kuden. Citati iz Lotos sutre su iz Trostruke Lotos sutre, prevoda Bartona Votsona. Ovde su dati brojevi stranica koji se odnose na citate zajedničke oboma delima. "LS" označava prevod g-dina Votsona, a "3LS" označava Trostruku Lotos sutru. Poslaću više materijala čim postane dostupan. Sve greške ovde su jedino moje pošto je rad u toku. Dodaci ovom radu i ispravke su veoma dobrodošli.


Pol Versant
20. septembar, 1999.

Preveo Mića Mijatović, 05. 02. 2000. u Beogradu
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This is a private, unofficial site dedicated to Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. Owned & maintained by Mića Mijatović.