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Lista poklona i nagrada:

List of gifts and prizes:

Lista nekih poklona i nagrada sa raznih takmičenja i žurki na Ničiren YU

Sa novogodišnje žurke 2000:

  • Novogodišnji screen saver. (136 Kb, ZipFile)
  • Naučno-fantastična priča "Seksualni objekt". (15 Kb, Zipped txt File) 
  • Mali i zgodni PC časovnik. (Zip File 10 Kb) 
  • Naučno-fantastična priča "Dva minuta i četrdeset pet sekundi". (Zip File, txt format, 7 Kb) 
  • Paste Board. Veći brat Clip Board-a. Prilično korisna alatka ako treba da kopirate i lepite mnogo raznih stvari odjednom. (ZipFile, 37 Kb) 
  • Naučno-fantastična priča "Bob Dilan, Troj Džonson i kraljica spida". (Zipped txt file, 13 Kb) 
  • Easy Control. Malecka alatka za brz pristup Control Panel-u. (Zip File, 15 Kb)
  • Naučno-fantastična priča "Restoran izgubljenih snova". (Zipped txt file, 17 Kb)
  • Naučno-fantastična priča "Slavna čudovista". (Zipped txt file, 10 Kb) 
  • Sa Lova na muve - Grand Prix:

  • Gosho 1.0 - screen saver sa motivom iz jednog gošoa. (53 Kb)
  • Mr. Bean - šta reći... kolaž slika ludog lika. (40 Kb
  • Virtuelna Rubikova kocka - Probajte. (93 Kb
  • Magic - veoma koristan program za kontrolu e-maila. može da radi sa nekoliko ISP-a odjednom. Između ostalog možete proveriti poštu i ako je neželjena da je obrišete, bez skidanja sa servera. Uz to, program je neverovatno mali! (59 Kb
  • Antička indijska slika - izuzetno lepa. (63 Kb
  • Tic Tac Toe - To je ona igra sa kružićima i putačama. Zaboravio sam kako se zove. (24 Kb
  • Jankov generator tastature - program za kreiranje i podešavanje keyboard fajlova. (136 Kb)
  • Skarlatijeve sonate - nekoliko Skarlatijeveih sonata, u mid formatu. (15 Kb)
  • Kolekcija gošoa - kolekcija nekih kraćih gošoa, u obliku elektronske knjige. (91 Kb
  • Sweet Dreams - fenomenaaaalni screen saver. Veoma pikantan. Orijentalni motiv. Ručni rad. (166 Kb
  • Partita u e molu - jedna od partita J. S. Baha u mid formatu. (19 Kb
  • Šakubuku - jedan mali 'priručnik' za kratki šakubuku. (43 Kb

  • U slučaju problema sa download-om, javite mi.
    List of some gifts and prizes from various competitions and parties held on Nichiren YU

    From New Year party 2000:

  • New Year screen saver, handwork. (136 Kb, ZipFile)
  • Science fiction story "Sexual Object". In Serbian. (15 Kb, Zipped txt File) 
  • Thiny and handy PC watch. (Zip File 10 Kb) 
  • A science fiction story "Two Minutes Forty-Five Seconds". In Serbian. (Zip File, txt format, 7 Kb) 
  • Paste Board. A bigger brother of Clip Board. Pretty useful utility if you have to paste many various things at once. (ZipFile, 37 Kb) 
  • Science fiction story "Bob Dylan, Troy Johnson and The Speed Queen". In Serbian. (Zipped txt file, 13 Kb) 
  • Easy Control. A small tray util for easy access to Control Panel. (Zip File, 15 Kb) 
  • Science fiction story "The Luncheonette of Lost Dreams". In Serbian. (Zipped txt file, 17 Kb) 
  • Science fiction story "Famous Monsters". In Serbian. (Zipped txt file, 10 Kb) 
  • From Fly Hunting - Grand Prix:

  • Gosho 1.0 - screen saver with a motive from Gosho. (53 Kb)
  • Mr. Bean - what to say... collage mellow of crazy fellow. (40 Kb
  • Virtual Rubik's Cube - Yup! Try it! (93 Kb
  • Magic - very useful program for e-mail controling. It can work with several ISPs at once. Among other, you can check your mail, and if you do not wish to download it - you can delete all of that from server. Else, program is unbelievable small! (59 Kb
  • Ancient India's painting - extremely beautiful. (63 Kb
  • Tic Tac Toe - Would you wanna Tic Tac? You got it! (24 Kb
  • Janko's keyboard generator - program for keyboard files generating and adjustment. (136 Kb
  • Scarlatti's sonatas - several Scarlatti's sonatas, in mid format. (15 Kb)
  • Gosho Collection - collection of some shorter goshos shaped as an e-book. (91 Kb
  • Sweet Dreams - extreeeemely sofisticated and piquant screen saver. Oriental motif. Handwork. (166 Kb
  • Partita in E-flat - One of J. S. Bach's partitas in mid format. (19 Kb
  • Shakubuku - a small 'manual' for a brief shakubuku. (43 Kb

  • If any problem with download, mail me please.

    NičirenYU: [Onđi Kuden|Polazna strana|Predavanja|LotosSutra|Gošo|
    |Razno|Panel-bandera|Iskustva|Saradnja|Screen Savers|Veze-Links]
    NichirenYU: [Ongi Kuden|Home page|Lectures|LotusSutra|Gosho|
    |Misc|Panel-pole|Experiences|Screen Savers|Links]
    Ovo je privatni, neoficijelni sajt posvećen budizmu Ničirena Dajšonina. O njemu brine Mića Mijatović.
    This is a private, unofficial site dedicated to Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. Owned & maintained by Mića Mijatović.