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The Lotus Sutra

Chapter 26

Dharani (Protective Spells)

At that time the Bodhisattva Medicine King rose from his seat, bare his right shoulder, pressed his palms together and, facing the Buddha, spoke to him, saying, “World-Honored One, if there are good men or good women who can accept and uphold the Lotus Sutra, if they read and recite it, penetrate its meaning, or copy the sutra scrolls, haw much merit will they gain?”

The Buddha said to Medicine King, “If there are good men or good women who offer alms to Buddhas equal in number to the sands of eight hundred ten thousand million nayutas of Ganges, what is your opinion?  The merit they gain will surely be great, will it not?”

“Very great, World-Honored One.”

The Buddha said, “If there are good men or good women who, with regard to this sutra, can accept and uphold even one four-line verse, if they read and recite it, understand the principle and practice it as the sutra directs, the benefits will be very many.”

At that time Bodhisattva Medicine King said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, i will now give to those who preach the Law dharani spells, which will guard and protect them.” Then he pronounced these spells:

anye manye mane mamane chitte harite shame shamitavi
shante mukte muktatame same avashame sama same kshaye
akshaye akshine shante shame dharani alokabhashe-
pratyavekshani nivshte abhyantaranivishte atyantaparishuddhi
ukkule mukkule arade parade shukakashi asamasame
buddhavilokite dharmaparikshite samghanirghoshani
bhayabhayashodhani mantre mantrakshayate rute
rutakaushalye akshaye akshayavanataya abalo amanyanataya.

“World-Honored One, these dharanis, these supernatural spells, are ponounced by Buddhas equal in number to the sands of sixty-two million Ganges. If anyone should assault or injure these teachers of the Law, then he will have assaulted and injured these Buddhas!”

At that time Shakyamuni Buddha praised Bodhisattva Medicine King, saying, “Excellent, excellent, Medicine King! You keep these teachers of the Law in your compassionate thoughts, shield and guard them, and for that reason you pronounce these dharanis. They will bring great benefit to living beings.”

At that time Bodhisattva Brave Donor said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, I too will pronounce dharanis to shield and guard those who read, recite, accept, and uphold the Lotus Sutra.  If a teacher of the Law acquires these dharanis, then although yakshas, rakshasas, putanas, krityas, kumbhandas or hungry spirits should spy out his shortcomings and try to take advantage of them, they will be unable to do so.”  Then in the presence of the Buddha he pronounced these spells:

jvale mahajvale ukke mukke ade adavati nritye nrityavati ittini
vittini chittini nrityani nrityakati

“World-Honored One, these dharanis, these supernatural spells, are pronounced by Buddhas equal in number to the sands of the Ganges, and all of them respond with joy. If anyone should assault or injure these teachers of the Law, then he will have assaulted and injured these Buddhas!”

At that time the heavenly king Vaishravana, protector of the world, said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, I too think compassionately of living beings and shield and guard these teachers of the Law, and therefore I pronounce these dharanis.”  Then he pronounced these spells:

atte natte nunatte anada nade kunadi

“World-Honored One, with these supernatural spells I shield and guard the teachers of the Law.  And I will also shield and guard those who uphold this sutra, making certain that they suffer no decline or harm within the area of a hundred yojanas.”

At that time heavenly king Upholder of the Nation, who was in the assembly along with a host of thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of gandharvas who surrounded him and paid him reverence, advanced to the place where the Buddha was, pressed his palms together and said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, I too will employ dharanis, supernatural spells, to shield and guard those who uphold the Lotus Sutra.”  Then he pronounced these spells:

agane gane gauri gandhari chandali matangi janguly vrusani

“World-Honored One, these dharanis, these supernatural spells, are pronounced by forty-two million Buddhas. If anyone should assault or injure these teachers of the Law, then he will have assaulted and injured these Buddhas!”

At that time there were daughters of rakshasa demons, the first named Lamba, the second named Vilamba, the third named Crooked Teeth, the fourth named Flowery Teeth, the fifth named Black Teeth, the sixth named Much Hair, the seventh named Insatiable, the eighth named Necklace Bearer, the ninth named Kunti, and the tenth named Stealer of the Vital Spirit of All Living Beings.  These ten rakshasa daughters, along with the Mother of Devil Children, her offspring, and her attendants, all proceeded to the place where the Buddha was and spoke to the Buddha in unison, saying, “World-Honored One, we too wish to shield and guard those who read, recite, accept, and uphold the Lotus Sutra and spare them from decline or harm.  If anyone should spy out the shortcomings of these teachers of the Law and try to take advantage of them, we will make it impossible for him to do so.”  Then in the presence of the Buddha they pronounce these spells:

itime itime itime atime itime nime nime nime nime nime ruhe
ruhe ruhe ruhe stahe stahe stahe stuhe shuhe

“Though they climb upon our very heads, they will never trouble the teachers of the Law!  Whether it be a yaksha, or a pakshasa, or a hungry spirit, or a putana, or a kritya, or a vetada, or a skanda,  or an umaraka, or an apasmaraka, or a yaksha kritya, or a human kritya, or a fever, a one day, a two day, a three day, or a four day, or up to a seven day or a constant fever, whether it be in a man’s form, in a woman’s form, in young boy’s form, in young girl’s form, though it be only in a dream, it will never trouble them!”

Then in the presence of the Buddha they spoke in verse form, saying:

If there are those who fail to heed our spells
and trouble and disrupt the preachers of the Law,
their heads will split into seven pieces
like the branches of the arjaka tree.
Their crime will be like that of one who kills father and
or one who presses out oil,
or cheats others with measures and scales,
or, like Devadatta, disrupts the Order of monks.
Anyone who commits a crime against these teachers of the
will bring on himself guilt such as this!”

After the rakshasa daughters had spoken these verses, they said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, we will use our own bodies to shield and guard those who accept, uphold, read, recite, and practice this sutra.  We will see that they gain peace and tranquility, freeing them from decline and harm and nulling the effect of all poison herbs.”

The Buddha said to the rakshasa daughters, “Excellent, excellent!  If you can shield and guard those who accept and uphold the mere name of the Lotus Sutra, your merit will be immeasurable.  How much more so if you shield and guard those who accept and upold it in its entirety, who offer alms to the sutra scrolls, flowers, incense, necklaces, powdered incense, paste incense, incense for burning, banners, canopies, music, who burn various kinds of lamps, lamps of butter oil, oil lamps, lamps of various fragrant oils, lamps of sumana flower oil, and lamps of utpala flower oil, and who in this manner offer hundreds and thousands of varieties of alms?  Kunti, you and your attendants should shield and guard the teachers of the Law such as these!”

When [the Buddha] preached this Dharani chapter, sixty-eight thousand persons gained the truth of birthlessness.

Translated into Serbian by Mića Mijatović, January 2007, in Belgrade
Source: The Lotus Sutra, translated by Burton Watson

Lotos sutra

Poglavlje 26

Darane (Zaštitne čarolije)

Tada Bodisatva Kralj Medicine ustade sa svog sedišta, razgoliti desno rame, sklopi dlanove i, gledajući Budu, govoraše mu, rekavši: "Od Sveta Poštovani, ako ima dobrih ljudi ili dobrih žena koji su sposobni da prihvate Lotos sutru, ako je čitaju i recituju, prodiru do njenog značenja, ili kopiraju njene svitke, koliko će zasluga oni steći?

Buda reče Kralju Medicine: "Ako ima dobrih ljudi ili dobrih žena koji nude milostinju po broju ravnu broju zrna peska osam stotina deset hiljada miliona najuta reke Gang, šta misliš? Zasluge koje stiču sigurno će biti velike, zar ne?

"Veoma velike, Od Sveta Poštovani."

Buda reče: "Ako ima dobrih ljudi ili dobrih žena koji su, što se tiče ove sutre, sposobni da prihvate i podrže čak i jednu strofu od četiri stiha, ako je čitaju i recituju, shvataju njeno načelo i praktikuju ga kako sutra upućuje, koristi će biti veoma mnoge."

Tada Bodisatva Kralj Medicine reče Budi: "Od Sveta Poštovani, ja ću sada dati onima koji propovedaju Zakon darani čarolije koje će ih čuvati i štititi." Tada je izgovorio ove čarolije:

anye manye mane mamane chitte harite shame shamitavi
shante mukte muktatame same avashame sama same kshaye
akshaye akshine shante shame dharani alokabhashe-
pratyavekshani nivshte abhyantaranivishte atyantaparishuddhi
ukkule mukkule arade parade shukakashi asamasame
buddhavilokite dharmaparikshite samghanirghoshani
bhayabhayashodhani mantre mantrakshayate rute
rutakaushalye akshaye akshayavanataya abalo amanyanataya.

"Od Sveta Poštovani, ove darane, ove natprirodne čini, izgovaraju bude po broju ravne broju zrna peska šezdeset dva miliona reka Gang. Ako bi bilo ko napao ili povredio ove učitelje Zakona, onda bi napao i povredio ove bude!"

Tada Šakjamuni Buda hvališe Bodisatvu Kralja Medicine, rekavši: "Odlično, odlično, Kralju Medicine! Ti držiš na umu ove učitelje Zakona u svojim saosećajnim mislima, štitiš ih i čuvaš, i stoga izgovaraš ove darane. One će doneti veliku korist živim bićima."

Tada Bodisatva Veliki Darodavac reče Budi: "Od Sveta Poštovani, ja ću takođe izgovoriti darane da zaštitim i branim one koji čitaju, recituju, prihvataju i podržavaju Lotos sutru. Ako učitelj Zakona stekne ove darane, tada, iako bi jakše, rakšase, putane, kritje, kumbande ili gladni duhovi krišom opazili njegove mane i pokušali da ih iskoriste, neće moći da to urade. Tada u prisustvu Bude izgovori ove čarolije:

jvale mahajvale ukke mukke ade adavati nritye nrityavati ittini
vittini chittini nrityani nrityakati

"Od Sveta Poštovani, ove darane, ove natprirodne čarolije, izgovaraju bude po broju ravne broju zrna peska Ganga, i sve one se odazivaju radošću. Ako bi neko napao ili ranio ove učitelje Zakona, onda bi napao i ranio ove bude!"

Tada nebeski kralj Vaišravana, zaštitnik sveta, reče Budi: "Od Sveta Poštovani, ja takođe mislim saosećajno na živa bića i štitim i branim ove učitelje Zakona, i stoga izgovaram ove darane. Tada izgovori ove čarolije:

atte natte nunatte anada nade kunadi

"Od Sveta Poštovani, ovim natprirodnim čarolijama štitim i branim učitelje Zakona. A takođe ću štititi i braniti one koji podržavaju ovu sutru, čineći izvesnim da neće pretrpeti pad ili štetu u području od hiljadu jođana."

Tada nebeski kralj Podržavaoc Naroda, koji se nalazio u skupu zajedno sa vojskom od hiljadu, deset hiljada, miliona najuta gandarvi koje su ga okružile i odale mu poštovanje, krenu prema mestu na kome je bio Buda, sklopi dlanove i reče Budi: "Od Sveta Poštovani, ja ću takođe upotrebiti darane, natprirodne čarolije, da štitim i branim one koji podržavaju Lotos sutru." Tada izgovori ove čarolije:

agane gane gauri gandhari chandali matangi janguly vrusani

"Od Sveta Poštovani, ove darane, ove natprirodne čarolije, izgovara četrdeset dva miliona buda. Ako bi iko napao ili ranio ove učitelje Zakona, tada bi napao i ranio ove bude!"

Behu tamo tada i kćeri rakšasa demonâ, prva po imenu Lamba, druga po imenu Vilamba, treća po imenu Krivi Zubi, četvrta po imenu Kitnjasti Zubi, peta po imenu Crni Zubi, šesta po imenu Puno Kose, sedma po imenu Nezasita, osma po imenu Ona Koja Nosi Ogrlicu, deveta po imenu Kunti i deseta po imenu Ona Koja Krade Životni Duh Svih Živih Bića. Ovih deset kćeri rakšasa, zajedno sa Majkom Đavolje Dece, njenim izdancima i njenim pratiocima, uputiše se ka mestu gde je bio Buda i govoraše Budi uglas, rekavši:

"Od Sveta Poštovani, mi takođe želimo da štitimo i branimo one koji čitaju, recituju, prihvataju i podržavaju Lotos sutru i da ih poštedimo pada ili štete. Ako bi iko opazio mane ovih učitelja Zakona i pokušao da ih iskoristi, mi ćemo mu to onemogućiti." Tada u prisustvu Bude izgovoriše ove čarolije:

itime itime itime atime itime nime nime nime nime nime ruhe
ruhe ruhe ruhe stahe stahe stahe stuhe shuhe

"Mada se veru po samim našim glavama, nikada neće praviti neprilike učiteljima Zakona! Bilo da je to jakša, ili pakšasa, ili gladni duh, ili putana, ili kritja, ili vetada ili skanda, ili umaraka, ili apasmaraka, ili jakša kritja, ili ljudska kritja, ili groznica, jednodnevna, dvodnevna, trodnevna, četvorodnevna ili sedmodnevna ili stalna groznica, bilo da je u obliku muškarca, u obliku žene, u obliku dečaka, u obliku devojčice, pa i samo u snu, nikada im neće praviti neprilike!"

Tada u prisustvu Bude govoraše u stihovima, rekavši:

Ako ima onih koji ne vode računa o našim čarolijama
i stvaraju probleme propovedaocima Zakona i prekidaju ih,
njihove će glave biti rascepljene u sedam delova
kao grane arđaka drveta.
Njihov će zločin biti kao onih koji ubijaju oca i majku,
ili onih koji istiskuju ulje,
ili varaju druge na meri,
ili, kao Devadata, remete monaški red.
Svako ko počini zločin protiv ovih učitelja Zakona
navući će na sebe takvu krivicu!"

Nakon što su kćerke rakšasa izgovorile ove stihove, rekoše Budi: "Od Sveta Poštovani, koristićemo vlastita tela da štitimo i branimo one koji prihvataju, podržavaju, čitaju, recituju i praktikuju ovu sutru. Videćemo ih kako stiču mir i smirenost, oslobađajući ih pada i štete i poništavajući dejstvo svih otrovnih trava."

Buda reče ovim kćerima rakšasa: "Odlično, odlično! Ako možete da štitite i branite one koji prihvataju i podržavaju čak i samo ime Lotos sutre, vaša će zasluga biti neizmerna. A tek kolika ako štitite i branite one koji je prihvataju i podržavaju u njenoj celosti, koji čine ponude svicima sutre, cveće, insens/tamjan, ogrlice, insens u prahu, insens kao pastu, insens za gorenje/spaljivanje, barjake, baldahine, muziku, koji pale razne vrste lampi, lampe sa uljem putera, uljane lampe, lampe sa raznim mirisnim uljima, lampe sa uljem sumana cveta i lampe sa uljem utpala cveta, i one koji na ovaj način čine stotine i hiljade vrsta ponuda? Kunti, ti i tvoji pratioci treba da štitite i branite učitelje Zakona kao ovi što su!"

Kada je ovo poglavlje o daranama propovedano [od strane Bude], šezdeset osam hiljada osoba steklo je istinu nerođenosti.

Preveo Mića Mijatović, januar 2007., u Beogradu
Izvor: The Lotus Sutra, translated by Burton Watson

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