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Larry Coryell Meets the Magic Mantra

Here's a story handed down to me from legendary guitar hero Larry Coryell that I heard on the radio a few years back...:

"A while back I was dying, literally. My health was really really bad, mostly from drug abuse, bad diet, and just not taking care of myself. I was extremely depressed, in and out of the hospital from cocaine abuse, and frankly I didn't want to live much. I was playing a jazz festival in Spain, but mostly ready to kill myself, still not happy or in very good shape. Right after the concert three guys came up to me and confronted me. It was John McLaughlin, Herbie Hancock, and Wayne Shorter. [In case you don't know, these are 3, at one time, among the greatest legendary giants of modern music in this point in history. Of course, Larry has played and knew, and was friend of them all, he is no slouch either and has his place in jazz history as well].

John says, "We're here for you Larry, we've lost too many great musicians already, and you've got to hang in there- we can't lose you too, though we know it's tough for you right now." 

Then Herbie has got this little book of Buddhist chants he's reading from, he and Wayne are Buddhists, and John says, "Look, do this mantra, it doesn't matter what it means, but I do it, and it's thousands of years old, and it works whether you believe it or not. [I learned it from a friend- it's supposed to bring you whatever you want, prosperity, money, happiness, you name it, all purpose link to the Universal Energy System Delivery Warehouse].

Then all of a sudden they all started chanting right there backstage "...Nam myoho renge kyo, nam myoho renge kyo, nam myoho renge kyo..." This went on for some time these three guys standing there, Herbie with this little book and a funny looking cap on, and mumbling this weird ass mantra. Hey, they're my friends....

Well, I figured, what have I got to lose, and so with John's advice (and maybe these guys were really putting this positive energy in me with this mantra, hey....), I kept up the mantra over a period of time whenever I thought about it.

I'm here today to tell you, it worked. It saved my life. I stopped taking drugs, I'm as clean as a whistle, I'm recording, playing concerts, I got my act together, and I feel better than I ever have in my entire life. It might sound unbelievable or corny as hell, but that old mantra is magic."

So, that's what Larry Coryell said. I figure, any mantra good enough for John McLaughlin is good enough for me. So I occasionally indulge myself. I like that I have absolutely no idea what it means, and that it doesn't in fact mean anything as far as I am concerned except that these guys I admire do it, and so I have something in common with them. A secret club kind of. Maybe you might find it helpful as well from time to time, or would like to join our secret magic mantra club yourself. But don't tell anybody!

This is from:

Translated in Serbian by Mića Mijatović, in Belgrade

Lari Korijel se sreće sa magičnom mantrom

Evo priče koja mi je doturena od legendarnog heroja gitare Lari Korijela, koju sam čuo na radiju pre nekoliko godina...

"Pre nekog vremena bukvalno sam umirao. Moje je zdravlje bilo stvarno, stvarno loše, najviše zbog zloupotrebe droga, loše ishrane i jednostavno stoga što nisam vodio računa o sebi. Bio sam izuzetno depresivan, na putu u i iz bolnice usled zloupotrebe kokaina, i iskreno, nisam baš mnogo voleo da živim. Svirao sam na džez festivalu u Španiji, ali sam uglavnom bio spreman da se ubijem, ne baš srećan niti u nekom ne znam kako dobrom stanju. Baš posle koncerta tri momka su mi došla i suočila se sa mnom. To su bili Džon Mek Laflin, Herbi Henkok i Vejn Šorter. [U slučaju da ne znate, ta su trojica, istovremeno, među najvećim legendarnim džinovima moderne muzike u ovom istorijskom momentu. Naravno, Lari je svirao sa njima, poznavao ih, bio prijatelj sa svima njima, nipošto nije ispod njih i takođe ima svoje vlastito mesto u istoriji džeza.]

Džon kaže: "Ovde smo zbog tebe Lari, izgubili smo već mnogo velikih muzičara, a ti si krenuo da im se nađeš tamo - ne možemo i tebe da izgubimo, mada znamo da ti je sada čupavo."

Onda je Herbi uzeo tu knjižicu budističkih tekstova iz koje je čitao, on i Vejn su budisti, a Džon kaže: "Vidi, radi ovu mantru, nema veze šta ona znači, inače i ja je radim, i ona je hiljadama godina stara i funkcioniše verovao ti njoj ili ne." [Naučio sam je od jednog prijatelja - pretpostavlja se da ti donosi šta god hoćeš, prosperitet, novac, sreću, nazovi to kako hoćeš, sve što smeraš povezuje sa magacinom univerzalnog energetskog sistema.]

Onda su svi oni iznenada počeli da recituju baš tu iza pozornice: "...Nam mjoho renge kjo, nam mjoho renge kjo, nam mjoho renge kjo..." To je išlo neko vreme, ta tri momka su stajala tu, Herbi sa tom knjižicom i sa nekom smešnom kapom, i mrmljajući tu uvrnutu guzičavu mantru. Hej, to su moji drugari...

Dobro, skontao sam, šta imam da izgubim, i tako uz Džonov savet (a možda su mi ti momci stvarno bili uturili neku pozitivnu energiju tom mantrom, 'ej...), održavao sam mantru neko vreme kad god sam mislio o tome.

Danas sam tu da vam kažem, funkcionisalo je. Spaslo mi je život. Prestao sam da uzimam droge, čist sam kao zvižduk, snimam, održavam koncerte, na svim sam koncima i osećam se bolje nego ikada u celom svom životu. Može da zvuči neverovatno ili isfolirano, ali ta stara mantra je magična."

Eto, to je to što je Lari Korijel rekao. Nešto se mislim, svaka mantra koja je dovoljno dobra za Džona Mek Laflina, dobra je dovoljno i za mene. Tako se i ja povremeno upuštam u to. Dopada mi se to da apsolutno nemam predstavu šta ona znači, i da to u stvari i ne znači ništa što se mene tiče, osim što ti momci koje obožavam to čine i tako imam nešto zajedničko s njima. Neka vrsta tajnog društva. Možda možete naći da je i vama od pomoći s vremena na vreme ili biste i sami voleli da se pridružite našem tajnom društvu magične mantre. Ali nemojte nikome reći!

Preuzeto sa:

Preveo Mića Mijatović, u Beogradu

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