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This message I saw at SG Viewer' s Voices1 board. So I took to reply and you can see below how this e-mail exchange looks.


Contributor: Lotus
e-mail address:
Title: poem by G.Gentile, New York City
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 

-- This poem is dedicated to Masaru and Noriko and all the SGI members and friends in Yugoslavia. Thank you for your courage.

Autumn and the Leaves2

Spirit of autumn leaves,
Falling separately on the earth,
You revolve with all the seasons.
You bring forth all the beauty,
Sing a song of colors.
Oh world of autumn you are
Leaves turning golden on the ground
Leaves spread on the ground.
There is great joy in your colors,
There is true happiness and
In the way you arrange
Teach me your incredible


Subject: Re: poem by G.Gentile, New York City
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 12:27:38 +0100
From: Mica Mijatovic <>

Hello (Mr. Mrs. Miss) Lotus,

I am going at big meeting tomorrow (26. Dec), here in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, and will convey your greetings and message to Masaru and Noriko and other members. We make a New Year party and probably will talking about this; so your greetings could be a nice gift to all of us.

At web site Nichiren YU, there is a New Year party also, so you can visit it; there is some little presents under the tree...

I would ask you something. Your message could means something for other members in YU, but wider too, so could I put it on Nichiren YU for internet visitors? It will be presented in both Serbian and English. (Nichiren YU is a private, unofficial study site for Nichiren Buddhism in Serbian language, but most of texts are in English too. It started before right two months.)

Thanks for your gentle message and stay brave and bright as people here.

Have a nice New Year!

Mica M.
--Nichiren YU -
   Nichiren YU New Year party -


Subject: Re: poem by G.Gentile, New York City
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 15:10:01 EST

My dearest Micami,

I am so happy to know that you are aware of this poem which I humbly dedicated to Masaru and Noriko and all the SGI members in Yugoslavia. I would be proud to have it on the YU SGI net. Yes, and please share this with all the members at the party this brings warmth to my heart at this time. My husband John Gentile, our son Jordan and myself wish you the best New Years. Our love for all of the members that we feel there are pulsing with in our hearts. The bond we feel with the Yugoslavian members is beyond words. Please take care of yourselves. Your mission is long and everlasting to bring Kosenrufu to your country. The Happiest New Year Ever. We will win. Thank you for this wonderful letter and for this great New Years gift you give to me.

With our deepest love and respect,
Gail, John and Jordan Gentile.
Prepared by  Mića Mijatović, 27. Dec, 1999. in Belgrade

Ovu poruku sam video na tabli SG Viewer's Voices1. Uzeo sam da odgovorim na nju i dole možete videti kako izgleda ova e-mail prepiska.


Contributor: Lotus
e-mail address:
Title: poem by G.Gentile, New York City
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 

-- Ova pesma je posvećena Masaru i Noriko i svim SGI članovima i prijateljima u  Jugoslaviji. Hvala vam za vašu hrabrost. 

Jesen i lišće2

Raspoloženje jesenjeg lišća, 
Koje jedno po jedno pada na zemlju, 
Smenjuješ se sa svim dobima.
Rađaš svu lepotu, 
Pevaš pesmu boja. 
O jesenji svete kako si 
Listovi postaju zlatni na zemlji 
Listovi se razastiru po zemlji. 
Ima velike radosti u vašim bojama, 
Ima istinske sreće i 
u načinu na koji se 
Podučite me svojim neverovatnim 


Subject: Re: poem by G.Gentile, New York City
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 12:27:38 +0100
From: Mica Mijatovic <>

Zdravo (g., g-đo, g-đice) Lotose, 

Sutra (26. decembra) idem na sastanak velike grupe, ovde u Beogradu, Jugoslavija, i preneću vaše pozdrave i poruku Masaru i Noriko i ostalim članovima. Pravimo novogodišnju zabavu i verovatno ćemo pričati o tome; tako, vaši pozdravi bi mogli biti jedan lep poklon za sve nas. 

Na web sajtu Ničiren YU je takođe novogodišnja žurka, tako da je možete posetiti; ima i nekih malih poklona ispod jelke... 

Pitao bih vas nešto. Vaša poruka bi mogla značiti nešto za ostale članove u YU, ali i šire, pa, da li bih mogao da je postavim na Ničiren YU za internet posetioce? Biće predstavljena i na srpskom i na engleskom. (Ničiren YU je privatni, neoficijelni sajt za proučavanje Ničiren budizma na srpskom jeziku, ali većina tekstova je takođe i na engleskom. Pokrenuta je pre tačno dva meseca.) 

Hvala vam za vašu otmenu i dragu poruku i budite i ostanite hrabri, bistri i veseli kao i ljudi ovde. 

Srećna vam Nova Godina!

Mica M. 
--Ničiren YU - 
Ničiren YU novogodišnja žurka - 


Subject: Re: poem by G.Gentile, New York City
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 15:10:01 EST

Najdraži moj Micami, 

Tako sam srećna što znam da ste primetili ovu pesmu koju sam skromno posvetila Masaru i Noriko i svim SGI članovima u Jugoslaviji. Bila bih ponosna da bude na jednom jugoslovenskom SGI sajtu. Da, i molim vas prenesite ovo svim članovima na zabavi; to mi sada zagreva srce. Moj suprug Džon Džentil, naš sin Džordan i ja želimo vam najlepšu Novu Godinu. Naša ljubav koju ovde osećamo za sve članove kuca u našim srcima. Veza koju osećamo sa jugoslovenskim članovima ne može se rečima opisati. Molim vas, vodite računa o sebi. Vaša misija ostvarivanja kosenrufua u vašoj zemlji je duga i trajna. Želimo vam najsrećniju Novu Godinu. Pobedićemo. Hvala vam za ovo divno pismo i za ovaj veliki novogodišnji poklon koji mi dajete. 

Uz našu najdublju ljubav i poštovanje, 
Gejl, Džon i Džordan Džentil.
Priredio Mića Mijatović, 27. 12. 1999. u Beogradu

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  2. Pretty rough translation (MM). / Prilično grub prevod (MM).

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