Ice Age Fossils for sale and rent.
Fossils and cast replicas

We sell and rent Ice Age Fossils and cast replicas.

Armadillo: Giant Fossil Armadillo skull cast

Holmesina septentrionalis, Armadillo, giant skull cast replica.

Giant Armadillo Skull. Found in Citrus county, Florida, this large relative of modern armadillos lived 500,000 years ago during the Pleistocene epoch.

This beautiful cast of a giant Armadillo measures 13 inches long. It is available for rent.

Please inquire.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Megalonyx skeleton cast

Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Superorder: Xenarthra, Order: Pilosa, Family: Megalonychidae (Gervais, 1855), Subfamily: Megalonychinae, Genus: Megalonyx (Jefferson, 1799), Species: Megalonyx matthisi (Hirschfeld & Webb, 1963) Megalonyx wheatleyi (Cope, 1871) Megalonyx leptostomus (Cope, 1893) Megalonyx jeffersonii (Desmarest, 1822)

Megalonyx skeleton cast replica for sale or rent. Original fossil Megalonyx skeleton also available for sale.

Megalonyx jeffersoni ground sloth skeleton cast replica.

Megalonyx skeleton cast measures: 8 ft tall

For sale or rent.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Bison: Fossil Bison antiquus skeleton.

Bison antiquus skeleton for sale or rent.

Cast replica skeleton also available.

Please inquire.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Brontotherium Titanothere skull replica

Titanothere skull replica – Brontotherium cast replica.

The Brontotherium or Bronthere was genus of rhino species known as Brontops,

This cast is made of strong resin and can endure rough handling.

It is an impressive full size replica 100% complete, with rudimentary "horn" cores evident. The finely detailed skull is 29 inches long and weighs about 20 pounds. The cranium is hollow. The jaw is separate and is moveable. All the teeth are present and complete.

This complete Brontotherium (Leidy) skull represents a primitive low horned stage Titanothere from the lower Oligocene of North America. The mode of feeding and the food of the broad-headed and long-headed Brontotherium can not be inferred with certainty, because their dentition differs considerably from that of any modern animal. The grinding teeth were perfectly adapted to a combination of cutting and crushing food. This adaptation implies a choice of succulent food consisting of relatively coarse leaves, grasses, buds, twigs, roots, and tubers such as would be found in the forest and stream habitats.

Dimensions of the fossil skull replica - 24" long x 13" wide.

For sale or rent.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

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Titanotheres appeared as the dominant animals that existed throughout a long and very interesting epoch in geologic history. The Titanothere skulls were highly modified over time and space. Titanotheres appeared in the fossil record very soon after the C-T (Cretaceous-Tertiary) extinction of the dinosaurs. The Titanothere family is known from its earliest beginnings in Wind River Mountains of Wyoming in the first third of the Tertiary period. The earliest Eocene Titanotheres did not have horns used as offense and defense. In the Titanotheres we see the growth of a great and vigorous family tree, giving off numerous branches (phyla), which diverge in characters and habits while retaining hereditary resemblances and tendencies of transformation.

The so-called horns of the Titanotheres arise as rectigradations. They consist of osseous protuberances of the skull above the eyes, where the frontals overlap the nasal bones. In life they were probably covered with tough skin rather than with horns.

Cave Bear Mounted Skeleton Ursus spelaeus

Cave Bear Mounted Skeleton cast replica.

The perfect addition to any museum display.

Ursus spelaeus was a species of bear which lived in Europe during the Pleistocene and became extinct at the beginning of the Last Glacial Maximum.

Polyurethane cast of an original cave bear skeleton in a Taylor Made Fossil's personal collection.

Measures: (on all fours) 79 inches long X 30 1/2 inches wide X 48 inches high.

Mounted upright measures: 8ft tall

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Cave Bear Skull (adult) cast replica

Cave bear skull or skull cast available for sale or rent.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Adult Giant Cave Bear skull: Bears are members of the Order Carnivora, Family Ursidae that originated during the Oligocene Era in Europe. These adult bears could reach about 10 feet across the shoulder and stand over 12 feet tall. The remains of over 30,000 cave bears were found in Drachenhohle in Austria. It is believed that the bears gathered in caves to escape the harsh European Ice Age winters by hibernating together for warmth and protection.

The cave bear is believed to have been the Ritual object of Pleistocene man of Europe.

Cave Bear Cub Skull Cast Replica

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Cave Bear Cub Skull Cast Replica

Ursus spelaeus. Skull measures 8.3 inches x 5.5 x 4.1 (210mm x 140 x 105)

European carnivore of the Pleistocene.

On close inspection, you will notice the skull sections of this very young specimen. Cave bears first appeared during the Pleistocene Era and went extinct during the last Ice age.

Adult cave bears could reach about 10 feet at the shoulder and one German specimen reached over 12 feet tall. They weighed about 1,800 pounds at maturity. Cave bears were about 1/3 larger than the modern brown bear.

Arctodus simus Short-faced Bear skeleton cast replica

Short-Faced Bear Skull Arctodus simus skeleton cast replica.

When standing upright this skeleton measures 12 Feet Tall.

For sale or rent.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Wooly Rhino skull and skeleton
Available for sale or rent - we have both fossil and cast replicas of a Wooly rhino skull and skeleton.

(Coelodonta antiquitantis).

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

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Cervalces skull and skeleton available for rent.

Cervalces skull and skeleton
Available for sale or rent - we have both fossil and cast replicas of a Cervalces skull and skeleton.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

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Dire Wolf skull and skeleton
Available for sale or rent - we have both fossil and cast replicas of a Dire wolf skull and skeleton.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

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Walrus: Ice age Walrus skull cast replica
Ice age Walrus skull cast replica.

Location of discovery: Alaska USA


Molded from a privately owned specimen

Measures: 24"H x 10"W

For sale or rent.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

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Giant Beaver Castoroides ohioensis

Belonging to the Pleistocene era, Rancholabrean epoch, the Giant Beaver became extinct about 10,000 years ago. Although it ranged from Alaska to Florida, there have been very few specimens found. This particular one is considered to be among the largest and most complete. Compared to a modern Beaver, its size (13" Long, 9" Wide, 10" High) was remarkable.

For rent or purchase

Cave Lion Skull: Panthera spelaea cast replica

Cave Lion skull: Panthera spelaea

These large, conical-toothed cats of the North American Ice Age were a relative of the present day African Lion, Panthera leo. This specimen was found by a local Yupik Eskimo from an area near Nome, Alaska. Recent studies have suggested that some of these species actually showed more tiger-like features than lion-like.

Skull measures 15" long, 10" wide, 7" high

Cave Lion Skeleton: Panthera spelaea

Panthera spelaea

Cave Lion skeleton.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Ice Age Cat skulls and skeletons.

Taylor Made Fossils and has the largest collection of saber cat skulls and skeletons available for sale or purchase.

Eusmilus Skull with base

Eusmilus sicarius Skull with base, Measures 8",

Eusmilus means "well-knifed"

This skull was discovered in South Dakota, USA

From the White River Member, Brule Formation


Eusmilus possessed only 26 teeth instead of the 44 usually seen in carnivorous mammals. It's mouth could open to a width of 90 degrees, allowing the creature to properly use its saber teeth. Sheath-shaped body growths projected from Eusmilus's lower jaw to protect the sabers

Eusmilus resin cast available for sale or rent.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Machairodus Skull with base, 18"

Machairodus Skull with base cast replica.

This beautiful "Mach giganteus" skull cast was molded from an original fossil skull.

This cast measures 18" long.

Scientific Name: Machairodus giganteus

Original discovered in Gansu Province, China

Late Miocene

Machairodus skull cast

Machairodus is the likely ancestor of the genus Homotherium. Machairodus was itself descended from Proailurus, as were all true cats.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Color option shown here with our canine model Julie.

Smilodon Return to Top of page

Smilodon Skull with base.
Smilodon Skull cast replica. Measures 15" and includes base and stand.

Scientific name: Smilodon populator

Age: Pleistocene

Discovered in Uruguay

Resin cast

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Sabertooth Cat Smilodon californicus Skull

One of the finest specimens from the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. Great care was taken when this piece was cast to preserve every detail and nuance of the original specimen. Skull measures: 13 1/4" long, 7 3/4" wide, 6 1/4" high. The fangs measure 6 1/2" (with roots, 10"). This Sabertooth Cat is available in either antique (shown) and Tarpit finishes.

Antique finish:

Photos showing how to put skull on stand: Step 1 / Step 2

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Smilodon fatalis (californicus) Skeleton (Tarpit finish)
Smilodon fatalis Articulated skeleton (Tarpit finish)

A full skeleton of the majestic Sabertooth Cat Smilodon fatalis (californicus) Articulated skeleton from the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles. Each bone - 231 pieces in all - was individually and meticulously molded and cast in the finest resin, finished and then expertly mounted.

The original is in the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, a portion of the sales goes to further their work.

Resin cast measures 67" long, 20" wide, 53" high

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Smilodon fatalis (californicus) Sabertooth Cat Saber cast (item #KO-212P)

The sabertooth cat skull gives the impression that the sabers are so long, the cat could not get any food in its mouth. However, the jaw opens much wider than that of the modern cats. The sabers were used to stab its victim and to rip it into shreds.

Stegodon skull and skeleton cast replica

Stegodon are one of the largest of extinct elephants species (Proboscidean) with adults being 13 feet high at the shoulder, 26 feet long, not including 10 foot long nearly straight tusks. The genus Stegodon, (from Greek stegos: meaning roof, and odon: meaning tooth, referring to the step ridges on the molar tooth) has its origins in the late Miocene of Asia and belongs to the family Stegodontidae. There are 6 recognized species. Stegodons probably originated from Gomphothierium, and developed into a new direction with increase molar size and ridge-like dental features. The tusks were so close together that the trunk probably did not lye between them but instead draped over. Stegodon moved into Africa in the Pliocene and is regarded as the ancestor to present day elephants, as well as the extinct mammoths. The oldest finds of Stegodon are found in Asia. Stegodon diet consists of branches and foliage of trees.

Fiberglass and resin cast

Stegodon skeleton measures 25 feet long and 12 feet high

Skull also available alone.

Please email us for more information or photos.

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Mammoth skull

Mastodon Skull With Tusk cast reproduction

Mastodon Skull With Tusk

Mammut americanum.

Skull was molded from a BYU specimen.

With Stand. Skull measures: 1.12m/44 inches long.

Model Tusk measures: 1.4m/44in.

Crate measures: 51 x 39 x 76 inches and weighs 300 pounds

Additional photo

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Wooly mammoth hair

Giant Wooly mammoth Mural

Real mammoth tooth

Casts of mammoth, mastodon, stegodon, dwarf mammoth and elephant teeth.

Uintatherium Skeleton fossil cast replica

Uintatherium Skeleton Rare and exotic dinocerta mammal of Eocene Uinta Colorado. Gunma MNH (Japan).

Uintatherium is an extinct genus of mammals. Fossil remains were discovered near Fort Bridger, Wyoming. This was a large browsing animal, about the size of a rhinoceros. What was most unusual about Uintatherium was its skull which was large and strongly built. Uintatherium had a flat, concave skull a feature not found in any other mammal, save, perhaps in some brontotheres. Its cranial capacity was exceptionally small due the walls of the cranium being tremendously thick. The weight of the skull was mitigated by numerous sinuses permeating the walls of the cranium, like those in an elephant's skull. The large upper canines were apparently formidable defensive weapons and were larger in males than in females.

Uintatherium mounted skeleton measures: 114in (2.89 m) length.

For sale or rent

Please email us for more information or photos.

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Uintatherium skull cast replica

The skulls of the males bore six prominent knob-like ossicones (horn-like or antler-like protuberance) which grew from the frontal region of the skull. The function of these structures is unknown. They may have been of used for defense or display. Uintatherium lived during the early to middle portions of the Eocene. It was an herbivore, eating leaves, grasses and shrubs. Uintatherium lived near water and used its sabre-like canines to pluck the aquatic and marsh plants which comprised its diet. It became extinct by climatic changes and competition with brontotheres, and true and hyrachodont rhinocerii without leaving any descendants.

Uintatherium Skull cast replica

Mammal amblypod of the Eocene Uinta Formation of Colorado.

Measures 29x13in (74x33cm).

For rent or sale.

Please email us for more information or photos.

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For ordering information please contact:

Taylor Made Fossils
1546 #R Irving Avenue
Saint Louis, Missouri 63133 USA

(314) 556-0650
We are open 24 hours. Call anytime day or night
Email us at:

Taylor Made Fossils

Contact: Ice Age Rentals
c/o Taylor Made Fossils
1546 #R Irving Avenue
Saint Louis, Missouri 63133
(314) 556-0650

Taylor Made Fossils