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Hi I'm Gaspar, and you're at the point of least resistance, aka "The End of Time" it's pretty peacful here, just me, some clouds and ....


yeah him....

Seriously though, why did Square have to make me a little pink nu? I mean come on, I'm the MASTER of war... fuck! ...I need a drink...

Like I said, pretty peaceful unless someone happens to drop in...

Hey Gaspar!!

Oh look... company, how's it going everyone?

We just came to hang out...where's Spekkio?

I'm here... So you've come for a rematch, eh?

Wait a minute, a rematch? Why? I'm already the Tetris MASTER and you've not beat me yet...

Damn you!! I'll win yet!! You can't hide behind your geometric game of skill forever!

Shut up....damn pink nu...

Hey, another gate is opening!!

Yay!! I'm home!! Wait!! Aw hell..this isn't Crystal Tokyo...stupid key...

Wait, who are you?

Chibi-Usa, Rini, Sailor Chibi Moon, Small Lady, The Devil. I go by so many names....

Um okay then....

ummmmm....where am I?

You're at the End of Time. And who are you?

My name's Piccolo. Damn. Did I die again?

I don't think so...

Hey, what the heck?

Not another!! DAMN!!

I'm Terra. Where am I?

The end of time.


My bad... I was drunk...

Mmm Hmm... Goddess of Time indeed...

I'll just send ya'll back to your own times...


OH NO!!! I've let loose a horrible thing by accident...the dreaded FUR FUR!!






**Bitch Slap 5000**

ugh...he's still alive...and I'm weak...


YaY!! I did it!!

That you did Rini, now everyone home....

Well that's all over with...

I need a drink...........BAD!!!!!!!!!!
