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~ Hi and Welcome to My Homepage ~
~ My Mottos ~

~ Keep Shining ~
~ Wishing Everyone "No Tangles" ~
~ "Have some fun, love your hair, & smile at least once a day" ~


To help you find what you are looking for easier I have divided this page into 3 sections.
Lighthouse and Ships Stuff ____ Hair Care Stuff ____ Breezy's Boutique ____ Contact Info

Lighthouse and Ships Stuff


~~ My Lighthouse & Ships Pages ~~
Page 1


~~ Michigan Lighthouses and Ships ~~


Hair Care stuff



~~ PurpleBubba's Hair & Beauty Salon Directory ~~

Important - 6-05-08
I have purchased a domain and am moving the site to
PurpleBubba's Salon

For information please go there.
The directory there is still free.


~~ PurpleBubba's Long Hair Care Articles ~~

~~ The Hair Care Family ~~

This is another site that I created. It's mane theme is Hair Care, but it has boards
for just about any topic you wish to discuss except for X-rated type stuff. I created
this site as a way for the people I've met over the past 6 years to have a place to
come to and feel like part of the family no matter what the topic was of the place I
had met them. Some came from Lighthouse sites and some came from Hair related.
If you would like to come and get to know us better than please feel free to join.
I will do my best to keep the place clean and friendly. After all it is a family site.

Breezy's Boutique



~~ Breezy's Boutique ~~

Breezy's Boutique is a directory of links
to various store websites and similar sites. A Virtual Mall.
Important - 6-05-08
I have purchased a domain and am moving the Virtual Mall site to

For information please go there.

Contact Info

Contact Information

Email Me

Charity Sites

Have you ever wanted to help out but just didn't know how you could make a difference?
Well here are some ways you can help out and best of all it's easy and free. All you have
to do is visit these sites everyday and click the buttons on their pages. That's it. You can
even sign up for email reminders so you can remember to click everyday. I have & I do click.
The sites are as follows:
Hunger Site, Breast Cancer Site, Child Health Site, Rain Forest Site, & Animal Rescue Site.

Charity Site Links

Note: Clicking these buttons will only take you to their sites. These do not
count as clicks, you still have to click the buttons on their individual sites.

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