SMB Colorguard!

Welcome to the SMB Colorguard! We are fun friends with good times always :) Here is a typical game day life (Penn State game, 2000):

The day starts out with a hearty breakfast at about 6 am :)

The caboose, getting ready for Sat. morning rehersal.

Like I say, Sat. morning fun!

Sat. morning is crazy socks day in the colorguard. I guess crazy minds think alike :)

Now we're in our break time for eating and getting ready. This is Mandy with her amazing straw glasses...??!!

We all help each other out with hair :)

Erica and Sarah take a second from hair doing to pose for a CUTE picture :)

Ready and waiting to march! :)

Mariana, Jodi, and Jess all cuted up and ready to go!

Kathleen, me, and Kasia :)

This is me and my cousin Jackie who came to see me and do my hair :) AWWWW

Here we are at the game!

Friends :)

The Colorguard rocks the house! :)

And then there's the night before the game, Bro and Zuchow's awesome guard dinner :) (at the BFD)

Bro, Bront, Symanzik, Rat, and Zuchow :)

Party down!

Susan and Kim :)

Jodi and Caroline :)

Hot Colorguard girls :)

This is Betty, she lived at the BFD...and was an intrical part of BFD life, and Bro and Jane's guard dinner the year before. Do you want to burn dead? I've been dead for so long!

That's all for now, have a nice day!!

my home page
my band page
Other cute pics, including Huddle :)
Bront's page, with SMB and winterguard pics!
Vinning's page, with SMB and Tau Beta Sigma pics!
The Tau Beta Sigma-Zeta Epsilon page!
