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"Impossible" Goats Milk Soap

OK, get your favorite recipe out and determine the quantity of goat milk you want to use, pour it in a Ziploc and lay it flat in the freezer to totally freeze solid.  Flat is important.   When that's done (I usually do a bunch at once) take out the frozen  "Frisbee" of goats milk, whack it on a hard surface until it breaks up in chunks that will fit into your container. (I drop the bag flat on cement a few times and the pieces seem to shatter nicely and about the right size. Fairly small pieces but not too small (2-3"  pieces work well).  I use one of those large gallon size sun tea/olive jars.  Pour all the frozen pieces in the jar, then just measure the lye and dump it all in at once.  YES, at once...  Take the nylon spoon and stir all the lye and milk chunks to coat them all.  Then you kind of keep moving the pieces around with a nylon spoon and they will slowly dissolve and you will absolutely not burn the milk and in fact, it will probably be cool when the milk is completely dissolved.  DO NOT warm it, use it as is in oils that have cooled.  If you decide to warm it, be aware that it WILL turn yellow or light orange.  If that's okay with you, go ahead.  The melting time is probably less than ten minutes, certainly no more than 15, so don't leave, be ready to make soap.  IF you let it sit, it will yellow also.....

I always start my oils first and have them ready so that when the milk is dissolved, I immediately put it in the oils, it seems to keep it nice and light colored.  I know, the milk is cooler than it should traditionally be but trust me, it really works.  I've made many, many batches of soap this way.  Another plus is, it does not seem to have very much of the goats milk soap smell, even though it does go away, this starts out with little to nothing in the way of scent, except whatever scent you put in it.

Courtesy of Susan Kennedy