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Deuce, the Caledonia Library Cat.

Latest News From Deuce


I am very gratified by the response to my web site. The Sun and News even did a story about it, complete with very flattering pictures.

I had been using a friend's email address, but I have been getting so much email that I decided to get my own email address. You can now email me at

Notice that I am THE cat.

My favorite table.

Below on the left is a picture of me that was taken right after I finished my first page. I work on my webpage mostly at night, when there are no people for me to supervise. Sometimes I have some mice for company.

(I let Jim think this is HIS chair.)

I have the staff well-trained.

This is my friend, Molly.
As you can see, she always scratches just the right spot!

Please email me and let me know what you would like to see me put on my site.

I look forward to seeing you at the library!




CatStuff Library
Click here for lots of cat related humor.

How to toilet train your cat.
REALLY! See the pictures!

You won't believe this one.
I will let you find out for yourself.
