Vinyl Baby Doll for Dolls

. . . and Free Knitting Pattern!

Berenguer brand baby dolls has a line of 5" baby dolls that are adorable. They have several different face molds, a few eye colors, and even varied leg positions (bent knee or straight)! While they would make cute playthings for little girls as is, they are also an excellent scale to use them as dolls for your dolls. They would be 15" to an American Girl (in real life) or 10" to a My Twinn. I purchased my Berenguer Baby for under $2 at Toys R Us.

Pictured below, you can see a Berenguer Baby with an 18" American Girl doll. The outfit pictured is what the doll comes wearing. There are many choices with the outfits the dolls come in, but there are a couple more ideas here . . .

If you know how to sew, you might be able to adapt patterns and sew. It was very difficult for me to sew for such a small doll, but it is possible. I made the below layette set for my mom's doll (mine is modeling it).

If you prefer knitting, you're in luck! Here are instructions for knitting a nightie or sacque/convertible nightie. Unfortunately, I did not keep track as I made the bonnet, but that's easy to figure out on your own, compared to a nightie. :)

Nightie Knitting Pattern for 5" Berenguer Babies
Instructions by Melissa J. Taylor; not for republication

Use size 3 needles and normal weight yarn in any color (I used an off-white in 100% wool). As you knit, alternate between a knit row and a purled row. Begin by knitting a row.

Sleeves (make two)
Cast on 17 stitches.
Knit a row.
Purl a row.
Knit 2 together at beginning and end of next row.
Purl a row.
Knit and purl six more rows.
Knit two together at beginning and end of next row.
Purl a row.
Knit two together at beginning and end of next row.
Purl two together at beginning and end of row.
Cast off.
When you cast off, that is the "cuff" (sleeve bottom). The wider end is for attaching to the shoulders.

Front (make one)
Cast on 30 stitches.
Knit and purl 18 rows.
Knit two together at beginning and end of next row.
Purl and knit 17 rows.
Knit three together at beginning and end of row.
Purl a row.
* Knit three together at beginning and end of row.
* Purl two together at beginning and end of row.
Repeat the two starred instructions until 12 stitches remain.
Knit two together at beginning and end of next row.
Purl a row.
Cast off.

Back piece 1 (make one)
Cast on 15 stitches.
Knit and purl 18 rows.
Knit two together at beginning of next row.
Purl and knit 17 rows.
Knit three together at beginning of row.
Purl a row.
* Knit three together at beginning of row.
* Purl two together at end of row.
Repeat the two starred instructions until six stitches remain.
Knit two together at beginning of next row.
Purl a row.
Cast off.

Back piece 2 (make one)
Cast on 15 stitches.
Knit and purl 18 rows.
Knit two together at end of next row.
Purl and knit 17 rows.
Knit three together at end of row.
Purl a row.
* Knit three together at end of row.
* Purl two together at beginning of row.
Repeat the two starred instructions until six stitches remain.
Knit two together at end of next row.
Purl a row.
Cast off.

To piece the nightie/sacque together, put the purled ("V") sides out. Use the same colored yarn to piece everything together. Sewing on the outside can make the seams less noticeable. I used a plastic needle.
The straight sides of the two back pieces go together (do not sew them together yet). The angled edges are the "outsides" and what to attach to the front piece sleeves. Be sure to attach the sleeves to the front and back pieces first. Attach front half of long edge of sleeves along the angles on the front piece, then attach sleeves along the angles on each back piece. Then sew the side seams (under the arms and the sides of the nightie).
Sew the back pieces up from the bottom middle, leaving enough space to slip the baby in. Next, braid three pieces of yarn very tightly. Knot one end. Now, with the non-knotted end, weave the braid through the edge of one back piece, around the front neck, and out through the back's other side corner. Knot off this end. Pull on the strings and tie them off in the back.
Let the collar, sleeves, and hem of the nightie "curl up" to finish.
You're all set if your doll just wants a nightie!
If you want to make the nightie into a sacque, braid three pieces of yarn very tightly. Knot one end. Now, with the non-knotted end, weave the braid through the front middle, around the back, and out through the front again (near the point of entrance, but not quite the same spot). Knot off this end. To close the sacque, pull both sides of the braid, then tie it in a bow.

Here is what the nightie/sacque looks like when open, and without the bonnet obscuring the collar.

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