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Founding and Advisory Committees

The Chimo Project would not have been possible without the dedication,
input, and endless support of it's founding General Advisory
Committee Members on our initial research project.

Dennis Anderson, Project Director
Dr. Earl Mansfield, Committee Chair
Roger Simms, Executive Director, Edmonton SPCA
Darlene McDonnell, Pet Therapy Society of Northern Alberta
Nancy Kiss, Caliente Reg'd Lakeland Terriers
Dr. John Patterson
Peter Pagano, and
Pam Price

Once the research project was underway, the following committee was developed:

George Lucki, Collaborative Psychologists Association
Patricia Gay, Barrister
Darlene McDonnell, Pet Therapy Society of Northern Alberta
Nancy Kiss, Caliente Reg'd Lakeland Terriers, and
Dr. Beverly Edwards-Sawatzky, Psychologist

Some graphics on this site supplied by the following:
Bow Wow Meow Graphics